Assembled an all-in-one Windows installer for Cacti. It's been tested on Windows 10/2016/2019. This is only meant for new installations where you have no existing components installed (i.e. Cacti, MySQL, Apache, PHP). It installs the latest Cacti compatible versions of all needed applications in their default locations (per the install guide), configures them, and should give you a fully functional Cacti.
This installer lets you choose between using IIS or Apache web server. It'll also install 64bit versions of Apache/MySQL/PHP/Net-SNMP, where applicable. Some anti-virus block the installer from properly executing its scripts; you might need to disable it.
Don't forget to follow the post-install instructions and restart the server before trying to access the Cacti website! After the installer is done, you can check cacti-installer.log for errors. Lastly, to upgrade Cacti, follow this guide.
Release Notes
Code: Select all
--2023-03-09 (v3.49)
* Upgrade Cacti/Spine to 1.2.24
* Upgrade Apache to 2.4.55 (VC16)
* Upgrade Cygwin to 3.4.6
* Upgrade PHP to 8.1.16 (VC16)
* Upgrade MySQL to 8.0.32
Download (685 MB)
MD5: 25bc4da82dd5d97a59140140a14646d9
SHA-1: c2aaad696309d56018e946c8197b6462626f3d0c
Please report any problems you have regarding the installer in this thread. Generic Cacti problems should go in their own new separate thread after you've read this post.
Please consider giving a donation if you found the Cacti Windows installer to be helpful. Every little bit helps. Thanks!