non real-time data collecting

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non real-time data collecting

Post by bugzilla »

For some reasons I can not organize real-time monitoring of some nodes in my network, but I have sql-database with all counters of traffic.

Problem is, that this database updated once per 4-5 hours, but traffic data in it - per hour. So, I have per-hour traffic counters, but I can recieve this data only once per 5 hours.

In this case, I need to organize data flow to cacti in format like TIME:COUNTER

I hadn't found any solution how to orgnize it- how to build graphs non in real time, but using TIME field.

I need your advise.
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Post by gandalf »

I'm not aware of a "pure cacti" solution to this. My approach is to update those rrd externally and use cacti for graphing only, see This may require some changes to rra definitions as well. Just discussed this in following topic
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