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Post by rweales »

I have a SuSE Oracle server that cacti accesses via a vpn WAN connection. The status of this device often shows "Recovering" and the graphs look like a piano keyboard; in other words, white spaces in between the colored graphed data... Its on and off. All the other devices that cacti accesses via this vpn connection have no problems with their graphed data. I also see "SNMP Error" sometimes in the device info.

This is the only Linux device I monitor that does this, and we have several other SuSE Linux devices that work fine. SNMPD is setup the same on all the Linux boxes, yet this one continues to have this issue.
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Post by rony »

Sounds like a network communications issue to that host.
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Re: "Recovering"

Post by gandalf »

rweales wrote:I have a SuSE Oracle server that cacti accesses via a vpn WAN connection.....
This is the only Linux device I monitor that does this, and we have several other SuSE Linux devices that work fine. SNMPD is setup the same on all the Linux boxes, yet this one continues to have this issue.
Are all of the other servers accessed via the same WAN connection? Are you monitoring ping latency or the like to that device? Did you check, that e.g. bringing up the WAN connection would cause additional delay?
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