- Goto Graph Management, check the checkbox to the right of your graph and select Duplicate from the actions Dropdown
- now check the just created duplicate and select Convert to Graph Template from the dropdown (this procedure preserves you already created graph)
- goto this Graph Template, if you now want to change the Text Formats of the legend lines. It would be nice to use some vairiables here, but this is an already requested feature, not yet available
- change back to Graph Management, Add a new Graph and select the newly generated Graph Template as the Selected Graph Template, click Create
- now select each wanted data source as Supplemental Graph Template Data. It part may be time consuming if you're already running a considerable amount of data sources
Hope this is clear enough
By publishing this, I'm not considering the procedure as "easy to understand" or even "time saving". But I have not had enough time for a multi-purpose multi-data-source select Graph Generator (the blueprints are ready), and my php skills are not that good.