Algunas vez an tratado de graficar la interfaz de un cliente x en un
router cisco 7200 tengo CAR activo en el router.
No e logrado encontrar documentacion de esto.
Muchas gracias por la ayuda que puedar brindarme
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Rough translation:
So, to clarify, you are trying to graph individual traffic based on IP?Sometimes when trying to graph the interface of a client on a Cisco 7200 router, and I have active CAR in router. I have not managed to find documentation of this.
Thank you very much by the aid that you can offer to me.
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
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[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]With age comes wisdom, what you choose to do with it determines whether or not you are wise.[/i][/size]
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