Graficas internacionales

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Graficas internacionales

Post by cfernandez »

Algunas vez an tratado de graficar la interfaz de un cliente x en un
router cisco 7200 tengo CAR activo en el router.

No e logrado encontrar documentacion de esto.

Muchas gracias por la ayuda que puedar brindarme

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Post by gandalf »

I would really like to help, but I can't understand spanish (sorry). Would it be possible to ask in english?
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Post by rony »

Rough translation:
Sometimes when trying to graph the interface of a client on a Cisco 7200 router, and I have active CAR in router. I have not managed to find documentation of this.

Thank you very much by the aid that you can offer to me.
So, to clarify, you are trying to graph individual traffic based on IP?
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