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Post by Guest »

I get this in error.log from apache when trying to setup SNMP interfaces:

No community name specified.

Version: 5.0.8

-h, --help display this help message
-H display configuration file directives understood
-v 1|2c|3 specifies SNMP version to use
-V, --version display package version number
SNMP Version 1 or 2c specific
-c COMMUNITY set the community string
SNMP Version 3 specific
-a PROTOCOL set authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
-A PASSPHRASE set authentication protocol pass phrase
-e ENGINE-ID set security engine ID (e.g. 800000020109840301)
-E ENGINE-ID set context engine ID (e.g. 800000020109840301)
-l LEVEL set security level (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)
-n CONTEXT set context name (e.g. bridge1)
-u USER-NAME set security name (e.g. bert)
-x PROTOCOL set privacy protocol (DES|AES)
-X PASSPHRASE set privacy protocol pass phrase
-Z BOOTS,TIME set destination engine boots/time
General communication options
-r RETRIES set the number of retries
-t TIMEOUT set the request timeout (in seconds)
-d dump input/output packets in hexadecimal
-D TOKEN[,...] turn on debugging output for the specified TOKENs
(ALL gives extremely verbose debugging output)
General options
-m MIB[:...] load given list of MIBs (ALL loads everything)
-M DIR[:...] look in given list of directories for MIBs
-P MIBOPTS Toggle various defaults controlling MIB parsing:
u: allow the use of underlines in MIB symbols
c: disallow the use of "--" to terminate comments
d: save the DESCRIPTIONs of the MIB objects
e: disable errors when MIB symbols conflict
w: enable warnings when MIB symbols conflict
W: enable detailed warnings when MIB symbols conflict
R: replace MIB symbols from latest module
-O OUTOPTS Toggle various defaults controlling output display:
a: print all strings in ascii format
b: do not break OID indexes down
e: print enums numerically
E: escape quotes in string indices
f: print full OIDs on output
n: print OIDs numerically
q: quick print for easier parsing
Q: quick print with equal-signs
s: print only last symbolic element of OID
S: print MIB module-id plus last element
t: print timeticks unparsed as numeric integers
T: print human-readable text along with hex strings
u: print OIDs using UCD-style prefix suppression
U: don't print units
v: print values only (not OID = value)
x: print all strings in hex format
X: extended index format
-I INOPTS Toggle various defaults controlling input parsing:
b: do best/regex matching to find a MIB node
r: do not check values for range/type legality
R: do random access to OID labels
h: don't apply DISPLAY-HINTs
u: top-level OIDs must have '.' prefix (UCD-style)
-C APPOPTS Set various application specific behaviours:
p: print the number of variables found
i: include given OID in the search range
c: do not check returned OIDs are increasing

but it DOES have a community name defined.
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2003 3:16 am
Location: Antwerpen (Belgium)

Post by jvanhambelgium »

Hi Guest,

Did you specify in the Cacti settings that you are using a 5.x version of NET-SNMP ?? There is a difference in syntax 4.x <-> 5.x ;-)

I don't have the GUI with me now, but there is that drop-down box where you select either version.
It's where you can configure also you paths to the various applications (like rrdtool,php etc)

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