Polling devices every minute?

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Polling devices every minute?

Post by golemb »

jvanhambelgium wrote:
I did not miss 1 polling with this upgrade ;-) (and I poll every minute)

Could someone explain how to setup up cacti to poll every minute. From the quote above I am assuming it is possible.

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Post by lilnick »

Should be able to just modify your crontab on unix.. instead of the following:

*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/apache/htdocs/cacti/cmd.php

You would use:

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/apache/htdocs/cacti/cmd.php

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Post by jvanhambelgium »


You need a few thing to poll every minute ;

1) Make sure you change the CRON settings to actually run every minute!

* /1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /www/htdocs/cactinms/cmd.php > /dev/null 2 >&1

(or something similar)

2) Make sure you change in CACTI ;

- Available RRA's; Either create additional RRA's (example "Detailed Last Hour") where you set STEPS value to "1", the amount of row depends on what you want => My "Detailed Last Hour" RRA is STEPS:1 and ROW:60 (60 times 1 minute, leave the X-factor as it is...). Remember they get bigger offcourse. I have following RRA's

Detailed Last Hour with STEP:1 and ROWS:60
Daily (1 Minute Average) with STEP:1 and ROWS:1440
Weekly (5 Minute Average) with STEP:5 and ROWS:10080
Monthly (5 Minute Average) with STEP:5 and ROWS:60480

- Change in data templates/datasource entries the "STEP" values and perhaps the HARTBEAT values. I use typically STEP:60 (60 seconds) and HARTBEAT:120 (2 minutes), so my data becomes "invalid,unknown" if I miss 2 polls).

I think you need to delete all existing RRD's when you make "drastic" changes like this.
That's it, you will notice then that you cron runs every minute and you'll see your graphs accordingly

Should work, give it a try...
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Post by golemb »


I will try to make the changes today.
This is not my production system so deleting the rrd files is not a big deal. Thanks so much for taking the time to clue in a newbie.
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Post by jvanhambelgium »


Oh, and IF you create an additional "Available RRA" entry (like Detailed Last Hour" you should check the Datasource/Template config that it actually SELECTED that new RRA...I'm not too sure if CACTI would,by default, "select" all available RRA's...if not...just select it together with all the ones that existed...

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Post by golemb »

I edited the default rra's to the values you suggested and changed the name from Daily (5 Minute Average) to Daily (1 Minute Average). Cacti does update the datasources to reflex the name changes so I will assume that the under lying step and row values will have changes also.

Thanks for the help and the detailed instructions jvanhambelgium. Works like a charm. :D
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