Some graphs not graphing

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Some graphs not graphing

Post by chewy009 »

I just moved my install of Cacti to another box and now there are a few items that aren't graphing. The data is there, just no graph lines. Switching the poller to cmd.php from cactid "fixes" it, but I need to run cactid due to the number of things I am monitoring.

I'm sure this is an easy fix...and I need to get this fixed asap. thx

W2k3 Server
Apache 2.0.54
MySQL 4.1.12a
Cacti 0.8.6g
Cactid 0.8.6f-1
net-snmp 5.2.1-1
php 5.0.4
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Post by BSOD2600 »

How can the data be there but no graph lines? Post a picture. How does cactid fix it?

If you turn on graph debugging for the broken graphs, what does it say?
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Post by chewy009 »

Here is the screenshot. Cactid doesn't fix it, it breaks it. In the screenshot, the little portions where the lines are showing are when cmd.php is running. The large areas of no lines is when Cactid is running.

RRDTool says OK when Graph Debugging is on.
cactid-fail.JPG (163.88 KiB) Viewed 3335 times
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Ah, I see. When cactid runs, the script doesn't properly execute.

Using the latest version of cactid?
Do you have the full path of the program executing the script in the data input for the windows uptime source?
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