I eventually exported the ucd/net CPU Usage graph template and I noticed a problem. there is a section for the CPU Usage User and CPU Usage Nice bu there is no section for System. There is also an error "Invalid data template" in the section where I would expect to find the CPU Usage System section.
I am not knowledgeable in xml but this doesn't look right to me.
Code: Select all
<name>ucd/net - CPU Usage</name>
<title>|host_description| - CPU Usage</title>
<name>System CPU Data Source</name>
<name>User CPU Data Source</name>
<name>Nice CPU Data Source</name>
<name>ucd/net - CPU Usage - User</name>
<name>|host_description| - CPU Usage - User</name>
<name>ucd/net - CPU Usage - Nice</name>
<name>|host_description| - CPU Usage - Nice</name>
Invalid data template.
<name>Get SNMP Data</name>
<name>SNMP IP Address</name>
<name>SNMP Community</name>
<name>SNMP Username</name>
<name>SNMP Password</name>
<name>SNMP Version (1, 2, or 3)</name>
<name>Daily (5 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Weekly (30 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Monthly (2 Hour Average)</name>
<name>Yearly (1 Day Average)</name>
<name>Total All Data Sources</name>
<gprint_text>%8.2lf %s</gprint_text>