Maybe not much to discuss here but I wanted to document this for other people good should they need it. The Perl script did not work on SuSE 7.3. The reason is that the script was greping for "round-trip" but the ping utility in SuSE 7.3 uses "rrt" instaed inthe summary portion of the command's output. I found two ways to correct this.
First I told the script to grep for "rrt". This solved the problem for SuSE.
Second I realised that this was also not a cross platform solution so I make my script as follows.
if ($ARGV[0]=="x") {
$db = ":0";
$ARGV[0] = 2;
$response = `ping $ARGV[1] -c $ARGV[0] |grep "min/avg/max"| awk '{print $4 }' | awk -F / '{print $1 }' | grep -v "War$
chomp $response;
$response = $response;
print "$response$db";
I hope this helps someone out there in the future.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digger on 2002-03-06 13:42 ]</font>
SuSE Ping Perl Script
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