Graph Export by Device

Anything that you think should be in Cacti.

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Graph Export by Device

Post by kwabbernoot »


Maybe this is already requested or you guys already planned this in a future release.

At this time when you export the Graphs within Cacti it exports every Graph that is existant in Cacti. In our Cacti environment this becomes a high load process that since recently takes more than 5 minutes.

Exact Stats:
EXPORT STATS: ExportTime:396.7878 TotalGraphs:5555

To workaround this I downloaded the manual graph export script and placed it in a crontab.

Now my feature request.

Why not change the export function to only export the graphs of devices that are flagged to be exported.
And maybe an export exception option witihin the "export settings" to allow the export of every graph, this for the people who really want to export everything but do not want to set the export flag on each device.

With kind regards,
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