Upgrading from 0.8.6e to 0.8.6h

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Upgrading from 0.8.6e to 0.8.6h

Post by fla_roadkill »

Hello all,

First off i would like to thank all the people putting i hard work for Cacti. I have been using it and recommending it to companies for as long as i can remember now.

I would like to ask if someone could help me on my latest venture with Cacti though. Currently i have a 0.8.6e install, using Cacitd-f1, and THOLD running no problems.

Im trying to upgrade from 0.8.6e to 0.8.6h, and Cacitd G. I have the luxury of having another machine to test on first. So the process i have used has been the following.

* - Installed the lasted Cacti and Cactid on new host machine.
* - Copied my current mysql CACTI database and imported it into the new mysql database. No issues.
* - Copied all my RRD files from the RRA directory into the new one.
* - Verifed permissions for RRA directory and LOG directory.
* Patch the new version of Cacti and Cactid.

When I fire up the web interface, Cacti asks me if i want to upgrade the database and i proceed through the install and upgrade without any issues.

At this point im able to login with the current passwords and see my graphs that were brought over from the existing Cacti Installation.

From this point, i have issues. In the simplest form, non of the RRD's are being updated/created.

When running Cactid i don’t see any issues, everything finished well. Here is an excerpt of a debug:

Code: Select all

CACTID: MYSQL: Connecting to MySQL database 'cacti' on 'localhost'...
CACTID: MYSQL: Connected to MySQL database 'cacti' on 'localhost'...
CACTID: DEBUG: MySQL Query ID '26': 'SELECT id, hostname,snmp_community,snmp_username,snmp_password,snmp_version,snmp_port,snmp_timeout,status,status_event_count,status_fail_date,status_rec_date,status_last_error,min_time,max_time,cur_time,avg_time,total_polls,failed_polls,availability FROM host WHERE id=71'
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4017] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 3634613360
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4315] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 2230304968
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14011] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 3474462909
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14012] WARNING: Result from SNMP not valid. Partial Result: ...
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14012] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: U
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14013] WARNING: Result from SNMP not valid. Partial Result: ...
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14013] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: U
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14014] WARNING: Result from SNMP not valid. Partial Result: ...
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14014] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: U
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14015] WARNING: Result from SNMP not valid. Partial Result: ...
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14015] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: U
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14223] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 83641342
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4018] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 1185
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4019] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 1730135878
CACTID: Host[71] SNMP Result: Host responded to SNMP
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4313] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 0
CACTID: DEBUG: MySQL Insert ID '2': 'update host set status='3',status_event_count='0', status_fail_date='2006-01-18 12:40:00',status_rec_date='2006-01-18 13:02:00',status_last_error='Host did not respond to SNMP',min_time='9.999990',max_time='277.333970',cur_time='248.054980',avg_time='100.037237',total_polls='61319',failed_polls='86',availability='99.8597' where id='71''
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4021] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 3620953670
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4314] WARNING: Result from SNMP not valid. Partial Result: ...
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4314] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: U
CACTID: Host[70] DS[4316] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: discards_in, oid: ., value: 0
CACTID: Host[70] DS[14016] SNMP: v1: tor1rt05.routers.citco.com, dsname: discards_in, oid: ., value: 0
The connection to the database is OK etc.

Now as a test i created a NEW host on the upgraded/migrated Cacti install, and the RRD's are not being created. When deleting an existing host and specifying that the RRD's be deleted they are not.

Just to make sure this was not a Cactid issue, i tried using the PHP Poller. Same result.

To make sure that it was not an upgrade, or install/permissions problem. On the same machine, i followed the steps for installing Cacti like it was a fresh installation. No upgrade/migration, using the same Cactid binary.

At this point the RRD's are created with Cactid, and graphs are being created fine. So i know that its something with the upgrade that is causing the issues.

Is there anything that i can post here (output) that can help me determine why the RRD's are not being updated?

Thanks all in advance.
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Post by BSOD2600 »

My guess would be that device needs to be reindexed. Click the green circle next to the snmp - interface traffic in associated data queries.
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Post by fla_roadkill »

Thanks, but even with NEW hosts i have the issue. For instance, when creating a new host that was not in the original database, and did not have any associated RRD's i still have the issue.
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Post by fla_roadkill »

Also, just out of curiosity, if you move over the database from another cacti install to another database, but don’t move the RRD files with them. Will the RRD files be created on the next poll (of course without any data)?
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Post by rony »

fla_roadkill wrote:Also, just out of curiosity, if you move over the database from another cacti install to another database, but don’t move the RRD files with them. Will the RRD files be created on the next poll (of course without any data)?
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Post by fla_roadkill »

Thanks Rony, for some reason mine are not being created. I tried moving the database over without the RRD's and running Cactid and the PHP Poller, but no new RRD's are being created.

Im unsure what im looking for in the debug for CACTID or the PHP Poller, it looks like everything is fine. I see no errors. Just no RRD's are not being created.
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Maybe you have a permission issue with cacti / rrdtool and the /rrd directory. Seems you're getting valid data at least for some data queries.
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Post by fla_roadkill »

Im currenlty running
"poller_reindex_hosts.php -id=All"
right now, and them im going to poll again and see if it makes a diffrence.
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Post by fla_roadkill »

Thanks BSOD. Here are the permissions. And also, the LOG directory is working fine.

Code: Select all

drwxr-xr-x  2 cactiuser cactiuser    4096 Feb 13 17:44 log

drwxr-xr-x  2 cactiuser cactiuser 1105920 Feb 14 14:50 rra
----rwxr-xr-x  1 cactiuser  503  188740 Feb 14 14:30 brn0l301_traffic_in_1818.rrd
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Post by rony »

That is not the poller you are running.. :)
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]With age comes wisdom, what you choose to do with it determines whether or not you are wise.[/i][/size]
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Post by fla_roadkill »

One thing that i do not have is a valid FONT PATH for RRDTool 1.2.X but from the last version i did not need it. Do you think it could be giving me a problem like this?

Pleasee see attached.
cacti.jpg (78.21 KiB) Viewed 5344 times
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Post by fla_roadkill »

Ohh i understand that, its reindexing the entries in Mysql for the hosts. Here is the debug of that command:

Code: Select all

02/14/2006 03:07:24 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Row: "select  host.id,  host.hostname,  host.snmp_community,  host.snmp_version,  host.snmp_username,  host.snmp_password,  host.snmp_port,  host.snmp_timeout,  host.disabled  from host  where host.id=290"

02/14/2006 03:07:24 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Row: "select name,data_source_path from data_template_data where local_data_id=6967"

02/14/2006 03:07:24 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "insert into poller_item (local_data_id,host_id,action,hostname,   snmp_community,snmp_version,snmp_timeout,snmp_username,snmp_password,snmp_port,rrd_name,rrd_path,   rrd_num,arg1,arg2,arg3) values (6967,290,0,'hld1asp01.routers.citco.com',   'sem1n0le5','1','6000',   '','','161',   'discards_in','/var/www/html/cacti/rra/hld1asp01_errors_in_6967.rrd',   '4','.','','')"
02/14/2006 03:07:24 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select data_input.type_id from (snmp_query,data_input) where snmp_query.data_input_id=data_input.id and snmp_query.id=1"
02/14/2006 03:07:24 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Row: "select hostname,snmp_community,snmp_version,snmp_username,snmp_password,snmp_port,snmp_timeout from host where id='291'"

02/14/2006 03:07:24 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select xml_path from snmp_query where id=1"
02/14/2006 03:07:54 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select xml_path from snmp_query where id=1"
02/14/2006 03:07:54 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select xml_path from snmp_query where id=1"
02/14/2006 03:07:54 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select field_value from host_snmp_cache where host_id=291 and snmp_query_id=1 and field_name='ifIndex'"
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Post by fla_roadkill »

BUMP, hello, i ran both the poller_reindex_hosts.php, rebuild_poller_cache.php. And those finished tryed to run CACTID once again. But the RRD files are still not being updated even though the permissions are correct and Cacitd (apparenlty) is working OK.

Except for this error
ERROR: Cactid Timed Out While Processing Hosts Internal
is an output from Cactid.

Anyone have any idea's.
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Post by fla_roadkill »

Hello all, i have a new development im hoping will help me out a little bit. Looking how my current working CACTI install works i know exaclty what is not running.

Currently with my working Cacti.e installation without issues. The normal behavior for the Cactid Poller is to run and gather the info, then PHP and RRDTool do there work to update the RRD files (at least this is how i perceive it to be). After all processes are done you get:

Code: Select all

02/16/2006 03:25:30 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time: 324.8890 s, Method: cactid, Processes: 2, Threads: 40, Hosts: 570, Hosts/Process: 285, Data Sources 18595, RRDs Processed 8979
Now when i upgrade the database to cacti.h, just cactid is running and not the PHP and RRDTool process afterward.

Does anyone know the fix for this issue?
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