Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

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Critical fields are nulled out when walking class-based OIDs

Post by RJMahoney »

Getting null cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex when walking OID . however I am able to see values for the cbQosCMPostPolicyBitRate field. It is the same problems when walking other class-based OID strings - I am not getting numbers that will allow me to fully qualify an OID walk. Has anyone seen this problem before? I am not even in the beginning stages of trying to use the interrogation module to graph my throughput by class... i just want to see what data is available when I walk it - I so far I can't see how I would decipher values by class when the class indicies are nulled out. I even get null values when I try to walk the cbQosCMCfgTable that is supposed to translate cbQosConfigIndex to cbQosCMName (class name) - the index fields are populated but the name and desciptions are null. I've tried upgrading to a very recent Cisco IOS (12.3.9d) and still having the same problem with critical fields being null. Any help would be appreciated.
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Post by moonman »

can you send your config and platform please ?
its sound very weird.

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Post by RJMahoney »

Attached is a capture of 'show ver', 'show run', and 'show policy-map'. Any help is greatly appreciated! --Ryan
CBWFQ Router Config.txt
(8.91 KiB) Downloaded 2273 times
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Post by moonman »

I think its because you configure shaping not police

try to chack by setting one police and and if its still not work try newer version
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Post by Instigater »

Could someone post a working graph screenshot, please?

I'm interested in graphing policy map actual bitrate.
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Lack Index value when creating Data SOurce

Post by CET »

Hi everybody,

I read this thread with a lot of attention but I still can't manage to graph CBWFQ throughput with the templates provided.
- importation of XML templates => OK
- cbwfq.xml script => Positioned OK
- script => Positioned OK Corrections made. Script works correctly and gets classes and indexes.

When I want to graph, I create a Data Source using the Data Template BUT in the field Custom Data/ Index Cacti wants a value. What did I miss ?
I've still nothing In my poller cache. BTW, I graph CPU Usage and Interface througput with Cacti for the same router so, I'm pretty sure everything else is OK.

Thank's for your help and greetings for Pwozney's good work.
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Post by cuall »


I have been a slient observer on this thread for a long time now.

Unfortunetly have not been able to get it working.
All my other devices are properly working without any trouble for quite some time now.

+ Running data query [10].
+ Found type = '4 '[script query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/home/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing script for list of indexes 'perl /home/cacti/scripts/ ip public index'
+ Executing script query 'perl /home/cacti/scripts/ ip public query class'
+ Found data query XML file at '/home/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/home/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/home/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'

is the verbose query I get and I have tried all the solutions offered earlier.
including the changes in the filter.

if I do a snmpwalk for the OID's manually I get all the classes and other info which happens to be correct.
I had shaping configured earlier which later I changed to police and still the same output above.

running on redhat at the moment.

Is there anyone else with this problem or is there any one who can help me.

Thanks in advance
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Graph Qos

Post by kris06 »


I'm french and i don't speek very well english !!!
I want to graph my differents qos in my cisco.
I've follow the topic cbwfq but i can't graph the qos :oops:
I can see my qos like that :

+ Running data query [10].
+ Found type = '6 '[script query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/local/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing script for list of indexes 'perl /usr/local/cacti/scripts/ ipaddress public index'
+ Executing script query 'perl /usr/local/cacti/scripts/ ipaddress public query class'
+ Found item [class='DSCP-COUNT-D1INP-COUNT-IN-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1249.1251
+ Found item [class='DSCP-COUNT-D1OOP-COUNT-IN-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1249.1257
+ Found item [class='DSCP-COUNT-D2INP-COUNT-IN-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1249.1263
+ Found item [class='DSCP-COUNT-D2OOP-COUNT-IN-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1249.1269
+ Found item [class='DSCP-COUNT-D3INP-COUNT-IN-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1249.1275
+ Found item [class='DSCP-COUNT-D3OOP-COUNT-IN-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1249.1281
+ Found item [class='class-default-COUNT-IN-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1249.1287
+ Found item [class='class-default-COS-OUT-D1-DEVELOPPEMENT-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1325.1339
+ Found item [class='DSCP-OUT-D1-COS-OUT-D1-DEVELOPPEMENT-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1325.1343
+ Found item [class='class-default-COS-OUT-D2-DEVELOPPEMENT-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1325.1361
+ Found item [class='DSCP-OUT-D2-COS-OUT-D2-DEVELOPPEMENT-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1325.1365
+ Found item [class='class-default-COS-OUT-D3-DEVELOPPEMENT-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1325.1381
+ Found item [class='DSCP-OUT-D3-COS-OUT-D3-DEVELOPPEMENT-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1325.1385
+ Found item [class='class-default-COS-OUT-D3-DEVELOPPEMENT-FastEthernet0/0.1-802.1Q'] index: 1325.1391

But i can't see the bytes of different qos in the same graph!
Someone can help me
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Post by gabe4all »

Hello everybody,

I'm getting crazy because I can't find the mistake :o

I tried all the scrips above but nothing worked for me.

I fixed the paths and statements in (I'm using win) and it seems to work fine in the commandline
Data Query Debug Information shows:

+ Running data query [14].
+ Found type = '4 '[script query].
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing script for list of indexes 'perl C:\cacti\scripts\ ROUTERX PUBLIC index'
+ Executing script query 'perl C:\cacti\scripts\ ROUTERX PUBLIC class'
+ Found item [class='VoIP_Trunk'] index: 6377
+ Found item [class='Video'] index: 6391
+ Found item [class='Data'] index: 6405
+ Found item [class='class-default'] index: 1025
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
Whe I'm trying to create the graphs it says:

+ Created graph: ROUTERX - Bytes - VoIP_Trunk-RATE_
+ Created graph: ROUTERX - Bytes - Video-RATE_LIMIT
+ Created graph: ROUTERX - Bytes - Data-RATE_LIMIT-
+ Created graph: ROUTERX - Bytes - class-default-RA

+ Created graph: CPU Usage

The problem is that NO (QoS) RRD FILES are beeing created. I've got no problems with creating other rrd files like CPU Usage... :-?

Some ideas?


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Post by geo_2045 »

I am not using the script, but I am using the OID where X.X is the index values for the interface and the class I am watching.
However, I am getting something like 20M for each class when my interface is only 1,5mbit.
Please also note that the 11 variable is of type Gauge32. Can these be graphed ok?
Any ideas?

this is a useful link for those who want to find the index values
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Post by R2D2 »

gabe4all wrote:Hello everybody,

I'm getting crazy because I can't find the mistake :o

I tried all the scrips above but nothing worked for me.

I fixed the paths and statements in (I'm using win) and it seems to work fine in the commandline
Data Query Debug Information shows:

+ Running data query [14].
+ Found type = '4 '[script query].
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing script for list of indexes 'perl C:\cacti\scripts\ ROUTERX PUBLIC index'
+ Executing script query 'perl C:\cacti\scripts\ ROUTERX PUBLIC class'
+ Found item [class='VoIP_Trunk'] index: 6377
+ Found item [class='Video'] index: 6391
+ Found item [class='Data'] index: 6405
+ Found item [class='class-default'] index: 1025
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
Whe I'm trying to create the graphs it says:

+ Created graph: ROUTERX - Bytes - VoIP_Trunk-RATE_
+ Created graph: ROUTERX - Bytes - Video-RATE_LIMIT
+ Created graph: ROUTERX - Bytes - Data-RATE_LIMIT-
+ Created graph: ROUTERX - Bytes - class-default-RA

+ Created graph: CPU Usage

The problem is that NO (QoS) RRD FILES are beeing created. I've got no problems with creating other rrd files like CPU Usage... :-?

Some ideas?


Hi i'm having the same problem before, but after putting the tic/check on the datasource value (console > data queries> Cisco CBQ Class-Map >CBQ Bytes > Associated Data Templates> data source) it started to generate RRD file, you can do the same for CBQ Drops (see attached file)

Hope this will help you as well.

CBWFQ-no-RRD.jpg (104.68 KiB) Viewed 17550 times
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Post by boots »

Hey guys,

Any chance of posting some screenshots and also providing a single post with all the files necessary to run on a Windows OS?


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Post by frank.bauer »

Hello all,

this CBWFQ monitoring is exactly what I need.

But I have a problem. After importing the templates, I guess my Data queries are messed up.

My SNMP - Interface Statistics are gone (don't show up in the list) and then, I'm not able to get Interface statistics anymore.

If I make a verbose query for the Interface statistics, I get the output:

+ Running data query [1].
+ Unknown type = ''
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/share/cacti/site/resource/snmp_queries/interface.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/share/cacti/site/resource/snmp_queries/interface.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/share/cacti/site/resource/snmp_queries/interface.xml'

It's the same if I do the verbose query with the cbwfq.

I've installed the newest version (0.8.6h) on a Debian 3.1

Do I have a database problem? Are this templates for older Cacti versions? How can I fix this problem?

Thanks for any tipps on my problem.

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Not Creating Graph Correctly

Post by Viggy »

I am running Cacti v 0.8.6.h on a Windows 2000 server
I have patched my system
I am running the following plugins as well

Let me first say I have this script running fine on about twelve 2600 and 3800s. It is generating graphs and everything is happy.

I even edited the scripts to suppot having a ":" in the interface name such as "se0/0/0:23"

Now my problem is that my script will not execute properly against a 7200 series Cisco router.

All appears happy when I add the Data query, below is my verbose output:

+ Running data query [10].
+ Found type = '4 '[script query].
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing script for list of indexes 'perl C:\Apache2\htdocs\cacti\scripts\ <removed> index'
+ Executing script query 'perl C:\Apache2\htdocs\cacti\scripts\ <removed> query class'
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial3/0'] index: 1049.1051
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial3/0'] index: 1049.1129
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial3/0'] index: 1049.1277
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial4/0'] index: 1057.1059
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial4/0'] index: 1057.1137
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial4/0'] index: 1057.1287
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial4/1'] index: 1065.1067
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial4/1'] index: 1065.1145
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial4/1'] index: 1065.1297
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial4/2'] index: 1073.1075
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial4/2'] index: 1073.1153
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial4/2'] index: 1073.1307
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial4/3'] index: 1081.1083
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial4/3'] index: 1081.1161
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial4/3'] index: 1081.1317
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial4/4'] index: 1089.1091
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial4/4'] index: 1089.1169
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial4/4'] index: 1089.1327
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial4/5'] index: 1097.1099
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial4/5'] index: 1097.1177
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial4/5'] index: 1097.1337
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial4/6'] index: 1105.1107
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial4/6'] index: 1105.1185
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial4/6'] index: 1105.1347
+ Found item [class='class-default-VoIP-Serial4/7'] index: 1113.1115
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-VoIP-Serial4/7'] index: 1113.1193
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-VoIP-Serial4/7'] index: 1113.1357
+ Found item [class='VoIP-RTP-voice-Tunnel2'] index: 1461.1465
+ Found item [class='VoIP-Sig-voice-Tunnel2'] index: 1461.1471
+ Found item [class='class-default-voice-Tunnel2'] index: 1461.1477
+ Found item [class='class-default-voice-Tunnel2'] index: 1461.1481
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'

But when I try to create a Graph I get the folllowing:

+ Created graph: MSN - Bytes - |query_class|

It fails to pull the class correctly when trying to create the graph.

Also the RRD file is not created.

I have run the OIDs and the script at the command line and everything seems to work.

Any body seen this before? I have been ripping my hair out for the past three days on this one.
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Post by Morgan »

can someone post an updated package with working scripts with the correct edits?

i'm using the original package + the latest script and data query posted in this thread. script works fine, the graph creation works but no rrd's created as per above.

any ideas?
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