Cacti Server Keeps Rebooting

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Cacti Server Keeps Rebooting

Post by jengstro »

Greetings all...

I have a problem with my Cacti server and am hoping someone has run into it. The server reboots every other night or so... the event log shows a ton of the following messages...

"Windows saved user blahblahblah registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the iser's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use."

I have tried applying the UPHClean fix noted in some threads but it completly breaks Cacti and the the system no longer gathers graph data. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
[size=75]Cacti - 0.8.6h + patches
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Well there is something else causing your server to shut down... possibly windows updates are being deployed or something else. Nothing else in your event logs showing what caused it?

I'm using UPHClean on my Cacti server with no problems.
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Post by jengstro »

Ok... it appears I have two problems... the one I already mentioned and the following event log message...

"The system encountered a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) prior to this boot. The NMI source was: PCI bus error, slot 0."

This is a NIC that I am going to replace tonight.
[size=75]Cacti - 0.8.6h + patches
PHP - 5.1.2
ZendOptimizer - 2.6.2
FastCGI - 0.6
MySQL - 4.1.15
Cactid - 0.8.6g
rrdtool - 1.2.x
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