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Post by rpingar »

howto parteciapte into the betatesting?

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Post by BSOD2600 »

Look in the annoucement forum
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Post by ikemeyer »

I haven't had any major problems with Cacti 0.8.6h and MySQL 5.0.17, however, I did run across some problems with authentication using php5.1.1 and ended up downgrading to php4.3.11. If this says much the script that failed using php5.1.1 was "" and the message was generic ".. does not support this method of authentication..." The only workaround I found for php5.1.1 was to leave the password blank. Just my $0.02.

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Post by BSOD2600 »

Although, MySQL 5 support is now in cacti 0.8.6h, you must NOT have the sql-mode variable set, otherwise it will cause problems.
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cacti and MySQL 5.1 issues?

Post by paulbeard206 »

I am still unable to get access to cacti on

Code: Select all

Server version: 5.1.18-beta FreeBSD port: mysql-server-5.1.18
If I try to access the set up page, I get:
You have created a new database, but have not yet imported the 'cacti.sql' file. At the command line, execute the following to continue:

mysql -u cactiuser -p cacti < cacti.sql

This error may also be generated if the cacti database user does not have correct permissions on the cacti database. Please ensure that the cacti database user has the ability to SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INDEX on the cacti database.
I have imported the sql statements, and I have created the user with those (or all) permissions.

What gives?

And just to be clear, the permissions seem OK from looking the database, and I can login as the cactiuser from the database host and from another system.
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Post by gandalf »

Please check
- snmp-mysql is installed
- /etc/php.ini configures the mysql extension
- ./include/config.php is configured for access to the cacti db
- httpd is restarted after any change to /etc/php.ini
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