Dual-pane View Problems

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Dual-pane View Problems

Post by Amag »

Hi folks -

Longtime cacti user, mediocre linux user, but I'm suddenly experiencing the following:

cacti 0.8.6g

Dual-pane view was running fine, and after adding around 60+ hosts (over 100+ graphs), I'm getting the following 3 script errors with IE6 when trying to view my dual pane tree:

Line: 211
Char: 63
Error: Unterminated string constant
Code: 0
UrL: http://servername/cacti/graph_view.php?

Line: 1099
Char: 3
Error: 'foldersTree' is undefined
Code: 0
URL: http://servername/cacti/graph_view.php?

Line: 659
Char: 3
Error: 'foldersTree' is undefined
Code: 0
URL: http://servername/cacti/graph_view.php?

I disabled device ID #114, but this didn't fix the problem. If I run in single pane mode, everything works fine.

I've reviewed some of the other posts (including changing the php.ini timeouts) and have not been able to solve this problem.

Can anyone provide me with some troubleshooting help?

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Post by rony »

One of your devices has a <CR> (Carrage Return) in the name.

If you look at the HTML source, you should find the host with an issue.
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Post by Amag »


Thanks for the quick response. Which HTML source are you referring to? That is, do I need to look at each of my hosts and then "view source" or what exactly?

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Post by rony »

When viewing the graph tree in dual panel mode, in your browser, view the source of that page. Post that source here as an attachment, and I will tell you what host has the issue.

Or you can email/PM the source if you don't want it public.
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]With age comes wisdom, what you choose to do with it determines whether or not you are wise.[/i][/size]
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Post by Amag »


I have PMed you.

I will post the findings for others to share once Rony provides me with a solution.

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Post by rony »

One of the hosts has a carrage return at the end of it's description.

This is a known problem and I will be fixing this in 0.8.6h. Not the first time it's happened. :(
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]With age comes wisdom, what you choose to do with it determines whether or not you are wise.[/i][/size]
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Problem Fixed

Post by Amag »

Kudos to Rony for his expeditious assistance. For those of you experiencing the same problem, do the following:

1. Make sure the user that you're using has its <Graph Settings> (under Console -> User Management -> Edit user set to "Dual Pane" under the Default Tree Mode View section.

2. Click on Graphs. One the page "finishes" loading (though you won't see anything), view your HTML source using the option in your browser. (e.g., IE6 is View-> Source).

3. Carefully review this file in Notepad/Wordpad. Make sure Word Wrap is OFF. Look at RTESTBOX below. See how there is a carriage return immediately after the X? That is, the line doesn't continue? That's the problem.

4. Modify your hostname (delete it and retype it for example) and then the graph view should work correctly again.

Problematic Example:

ou6 = insFld(ou5, gFld(" Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)", "graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=2&leaf_id=82&host_group_data=graph_template:2"))
ou5 = insFld(ou4, gFld("<strong>Host:</strong> RTESTBOX
", "graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=2&leaf_id=84"))
ou6 = insFld(ou5, gFld(" Cisco - CPU Usage with 5sec-1min-5min", "graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=2&leaf_id=84&host_group_data=graph_template:35"))

Fixed Example:

ou6 = insFld(ou5, gFld(" Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)", "graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=2&leaf_id=82&host_group_data=graph_template:2"))
ou5 = insFld(ou4, gFld("<strong>Host:</strong> RTESTBOX", "graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=2&leaf_id=84"))
ou6 = insFld(ou5, gFld(" Cisco - CPU Usage with 5sec-1min-5min", "graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=2&leaf_id=84&host_group_data=graph_template:35"))
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