A question about MONITOR plugin

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A question about MONITOR plugin

Post by FrA »

Hi to everyone,
I've tried the monitor plugin and I've a question:
Is it only possible to monitor if one host is down (when I point the cursor upon my green host I can see only the ICMP echo reply status) or even if a host's service is down (for exemple if in my host I've configured more services I can monitor the status of all my services on this host)?

There's an alternative way in cacti (I'm asking without any plugins) to see this?

Thanx a lot guys!
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:17 am

Post by FrA »

Oh.... I'm forgetting...
I see a very usefull plugin: NPC, but it require Nagios...
I have the problem that I'm working with Windows...

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Re: A question about MONITOR plugin

Post by cigamit »

FrA wrote:Hi to everyone,
I've tried the monitor plugin and I've a question:
Is it only possible to monitor if one host is down (when I point the cursor upon my green host I can see only the ICMP echo reply status) or even if a host's service is down (for exemple if in my host I've configured more services I can monitor the status of all my services on this host)?

There's an alternative way in cacti (I'm asking without any plugins) to see this?

Thanx a lot guys!
You can monitor as many hosts as you want, you just have to check the box in the device configuration.

The monitor is only for monitoring host down status, if you want to monitor whether services on these host go up and down, there is the threshold plugin for that.
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:17 am

Post by FrA »

Many thanks cigamit
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