Win32 - Motherboard Monitor 5 via SNMP

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Post by kermitthefrog »

sorry to be a pain but..

I get some empty graphs.
I am not too sure about that error:
Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ppm install net-snmp
Error: PPD for 'Crypt-DES.ppd' could not be found.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>
Thanks for your help
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Post by BSOD2600 »

1) What version of ActivePerl do you have installed?
2) Is it in your system path?
3) Did you try: ppm Crypt-DES ?
4) Also paste the output of: ppm repository.
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Post by kermitthefrog »

BSOD2600 wrote:1) What version of ActivePerl do you have installed?
2) Is it in your system path?
3) Did you try: ppm Crypt-DES ?
4) Also paste the output of: ppm repository.
1) perl -v
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.7 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
(with 7 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

Copyright 1987-2005, Larry Wall

Binary build 813 [148120] provided by ActiveState
ActiveState is a division of Sophos.
Built Jun 6 2005 13:36:37

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using `man perl' or `perldoc perl'. If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ppm repository
Warning: save C:\Perl\site\lib/ppm-conf\cmdline.cfg: Permission denied.
=> Configuration not saved.
[1] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
[2] ActiveState Package Repository
Warning: save C:\Perl\site\lib/ppm-conf\cmdline.cfg: Permission denied.
=> Configuration not saved.
Warning: save C:\Perl\site\lib/ppm-conf\repositories.cfg: Permission denied.
=> Configuration not saved.
Warning: save C:\Perl\site\lib/ppm-conf\clientlib.cfg: Permission denied.
=> Configuration not saved.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>

2) perl is in my system path, yes.

trying ppm Crypt-DES:
Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ppm Crypt-DES
Warning: save C:\Perl\site\lib/ppm-conf\cmdline.cfg: Permission denied.
=> Configuration not saved.
Unknown or ambiguous command 'Crypt-DES'; type 'help' for commands.
Warning: save C:\Perl\site\lib/ppm-conf\cmdline.cfg: Permission denied.
=> Configuration not saved.
Warning: save C:\Perl\site\lib/ppm-conf\repositories.cfg: Permission denied.
=> Configuration not saved.
Warning: save C:\Perl\site\lib/ppm-conf\clientlib.cfg: Permission denied.
=> Configuration not saved.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>
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Post by wvr120364 »

Found this when searching, the solution helped me out
ActiveState ActivePerl PPM Error "Error: PPD for 'Crypt-DES.ppd' could not be found."

So you've installed ActiveState's ActivePerl and you're feeling good. You get down to work and start developing.

Eventually you realize you need some modules installed to make your developing life a lot easier so you fire up PPM, the Programmer's Package Manager, and start to look for some of those needed packages.

You search around, see a few you like, and proceed to 'install MYPACKAGENAME'.

And that's when it happens. An error. One that states:

Error: PPD for 'Crypt-DES.ppd' could not be found.

What is it? It's simply saying that the DES cryptological package is not installed. This package is needed for a lot of things within PPM (apparently) and as such you end up not being able to install 95% of the packages out there because all that happens is that error is returned.

How to fix it? This one is simple enough. You need to add a new NON-US repository to the list. I chose ... PMServer58, because it looked good.

Anyway, now, to add it. Open up ppm and type in:

rep add Canada ... PMServer58

and hit enter. You've just added a new repository to PPM. Now go on and type in:

install Crypt-DES

Surprise, it works, and now you can feel free to install any other package listed without worry of error.

Why? Well after really hunting around ActiveState's website for awhile, I came to the bottom of this page which says:

Unavailable Packages
Cryptographic Packages Unlike the United States, the Export Control List of Canada places no significant restriction on the export of cryptographic software; however, the Canadian Federal Government does require that companies, organizations or individuals that wish to distribute cryptographic software get a permit in order to do so. ActiveState does not currently have this permission, so you must currently access other repositories for the following modules

It then goes on to list all the crypto modules, including DES.
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Post by jengstro »

Is there anything like this for server class machines? Else I would assume that SNMP is my only option?
[size=75]Cacti - 0.8.6h + patches
PHP - 5.1.2
ZendOptimizer - 2.6.2
FastCGI - 0.6
MySQL - 4.1.15
Cactid - 0.8.6g
rrdtool - 1.2.x
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Sever class? Well if MBM5 supports your servers chipset, then you're in luck. Otherwise, you'll need to find some other software which can read the chipset, output the results to a file, and write a script for cacti to parse the results out.
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Post by jengstro »

Ok. Thanks.

I could not find the chip set for any HP servers. I will have to wait on the hardware graphs then. Ahh well. :)
[size=75]Cacti - 0.8.6h + patches
PHP - 5.1.2
ZendOptimizer - 2.6.2
FastCGI - 0.6
MySQL - 4.1.15
Cactid - 0.8.6g
rrdtool - 1.2.x
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Post by ehall »

FYI this is working pretty good for one of my machines. The only real problem with it is that the -12v and -5v readings aren't being caught by MBM and are therefore provided as 255 values by SNMP Informant MBM.

The rest of the machines are unsupported by MBM 5 so no joy on those.

edit--I see that development on MBM has stopped, so this is only going to be a short-term solution. I know there are some WMI hooks for hardware sensors but I'm not sure how well that stuff is fleshed out or supported.
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Post by BSOD2600 »

My script takes that into account and does not output the 255 values.

Yea, it's quite sad MBM5 devolpment was stopped. Was/is a great tool. Nothing comes close to what it did.
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Post by ehall »

It turns out that this ASUS mobo doesn't provide -12V or -5V readings, which is why MBM doesn't see them. Interesting.
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Post by psykokwak »

Is there a way to install net-snmp into cygwin perl interpretor ?
Or the script exists on PHP language ?

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Post by BSOD2600 »

psykokwak wrote:Is there a way to install net-snmp into cygwin perl interpretor ?
Why do you need that?
psykokwak wrote:Or the script exists on PHP language ?
I haven't had the need to convert it to PHP. Feel free if you want.
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Post by psykokwak »

BSOD2600 wrote:
psykokwak wrote:Is there a way to install net-snmp into cygwin perl interpretor ?
Why do you need that?
We need use cygwin for cacti. And on cygwin we already have perl.
So, I think to install ActivPerl for windows is double use.

another question :

when I use getif to request this OID , I have got the temp of my primary CPU. but if I use net-snmp, I have an error :
snmpget -v 1 -c public said that it there isn't information to this node :(
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Post by BSOD2600 »

You don't need cygwin perl for my script to work. Perl for Windows works just fine.

As for the OID not working... you need to take that up with the makers of the MBM addon at Sounds like it only works with the Microsoft SNMP agent.
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Post by psykokwak »

Hi all,
I have a little problem when I poll this script.
this is the error (debuging mode) :

Code: Select all

 05/31/2006 09:04:19 PM - CACTID: Poller[0] Host[12] DS[57] SCRIPT: perl D:/htdocs/pub/cacti/scripts/ volt 1 public 161, output: U
05/31/2006 09:04:19 PM - CACTID: Poller[0] Host[12] DS[57] WARNING: Result from SCRIPT not valid. Partial Result: ...
05/31/2006 09:04:19 PM - CACTID: Poller[0] Host[12] ERROR: Empty result []: 'perl D:/htdocs/pub/cacti/scripts/ volt 1 public 161'
but, when I execute directly the script, it return the good values :

Code: Select all

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>perl D:/htdocs/pub/cacti/scripts/ volt 1 public 161
volt0:1.7915 volt1:2.4800 volt2:3.2480 volt3:4.8536 volt4:12.5892 volt5:-12.2043
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