Problems upgrading from cact-0.8.6f to cacti-0.8.6g

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Problems upgrading from cact-0.8.6f to cacti-0.8.6g

Post by vcs714 »


I am facing a graphs not updating problem after upgrading from cacti version 0.8.6f to cacti version 0.8.6g

My installation info

Fedora FC3
MySQL version 3.23.58
Cactid version 0.8.6d

Graphs are not getting updated after performing the upgrade.

This is the method I am following.

Extract the cacti tar file in /var/www/html directory.

apply the patch for plugin cacti-plugin-0.8.6g.diff

modify mysql database entries, cacti user account and password, and url patch variable (url_path)in /var/www/html/cacti-0.8.6g/include/config.php

copy rra directory from my present version (/var/www/html/cacti) to /var/www/html/cacti-0.8.6g.

copy custom scripts and queries

change owner permissions for rra and log directory from root to cactiuser

take a database backup

rename present working cacti directory to cacti-0.8.6f

rename cacti-0.8.6g to cacti

access cacti url

select upgrade

database successfully upgraded

I have tried keeping the logging option to medium and checking the log output, snmp queries are getting executed

I have also tried executing the command against my cacti database.
delete from poller_output; and clearing the poller cache

I have upgraded cacti before (from cacti-0.8.6c to d to e to f) but faced no problems in graph updation ( the delete from poller_output; usually takes of any graphs not upfdating problem).

So I revert back to 0.8.6f after deleting the existing cacti database, creating a new cacti database and importing my backup and it works fine


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Post by Oxygen »

I am having the same exact problems, seem my post:
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Re: Problems upgrading from cact-0.8.6f to cacti-0.8.6g

Post by gandalf »

vcs714 wrote:Hi,

I am facing a graphs not updating problem after upgrading from cacti version 0.8.6f to cacti version 0.8.6g

I have tried keeping the logging option to medium and checking the log output, snmp queries are getting executed
Only snmp queries are executed? What about script queries? Are they executed?
Please run the poller using your cactiuser id from command line and look for errors (script errors, rrdtool update errors).
You may change your crontab entry to look like

Code: Select all

*/5 * * * *     cactiuser       /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/cacti/poller.php > /var/www/html/cacti/log/poller.log 2>&1
Then, you'll find the poller output (stdout and stderr) in poller.log.
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Post by TheWitness »

Please apply the following "<cacti_dir>/lib/poller.php" file and let me know if it fixes your problem.
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graphs not updating after u from cacti-0.8.6f to 0.8.6g

Post by vcs714 »


Graphs are now updating after replacing the poller.php file in "<cacti_dir>/lib folder and truncating the poller_output table.

Thank you once again for your help


Vijay Sequeira
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