Patch for NET-SNMP 5.x IS WORKING...

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Patch for NET-SNMP 5.x IS WORKING...

Post by vikcious »

YES it is working!

First you need to KNOW how to apply a patch! Stop dreaming about differences between Unix patch and Linux patch and START WORKING!

cd /tmp
tar xvfz cacti-0.6.8a.tar.gz
mv cacti-0.6.8a/ cacti-0.6.8a.orig/
cd cacti-0.6.8a.orig/
patch -p0 </tmp/cacti-0.6.8a-net-snmp-5.patch
(give absolute path to your patch!!!)
patching file cacti.sql
patching file settings.php
patching file include/snmp_functions.php
patching file include/version_functions.php
add by hand "use cacti;" as the first line of your cacti.sql file - where cacti is the name of your Cacti database name.
mysql -h localhost -u root < cacti.sql

... OK! So far so good!
If you have already got and running CACTI instance with tons of modified scripts and so forth you will find it easier just to overwrite (no danger at all!) the above 4 modified files to the path where the actually working cacti is residing!

cp cacti.sql /path_to_cacti/cacti/cacti.sql
cp settings.php /path_to_cacti/cacti/settings.php
cp include/snmp_functions.php /path_to_cacti/cacti/include/snmp_functions.php
cp include/version_functions.php /path_to_cacti/cacti/include/version_functions.php

Now there is still a bug in the patch you applied and in /cacti.
In /path_to_cacti/cacti/include/snmp_functions.php there are 2 lines that need to be modified according to the level version of your NET-SNMP distribution. So change this:
$snmp_value = exec($config["path_snmpget"]["value"] . " $force_version -c '$community' $hostname $oid");
$snmp_value = exec($config["path_snmpget"]["value"] . " -v 2c -c '$community' $hostname $oid");


$temp_array = exec_into_array($config["path_snmpwalk"]["value"] . " $force_version -c '$community' $hostname $oid");
$temp_array = exec_into_array($config["path_snmpwalk"]["value"] . " -v 2c -c '$community' $hostname $oid");

-v 2c could be easily -v 1 depending on what level you want to choose!

Good Luck,

Re: Patch for NET-SNMP 5.x IS WORKING...

Post by blaine »

vikcious wrote: Now there is still a bug in the patch you applied and in /cacti.
In /path_to_cacti/cacti/include/snmp_functions.php there are 2 lines that need to be modified according to the level version of your NET-SNMP distribution. So change this:
$snmp_value = exec($config["path_snmpget"]["value"] . " $force_version -c '$community' $hostname $oid");
$snmp_value = exec($config["path_snmpget"]["value"] . " -v 2c -c '$community' $hostname $oid");


$temp_array = exec_into_array($config["path_snmpwalk"]["value"] . " $force_version -c '$community' $hostname $oid");
$temp_array = exec_into_array($config["path_snmpwalk"]["value"] . " -v 2c -c '$community' $hostname $oid");

-v 2c could be easily -v 1 depending on what level you want to choose!
Just to clarify:

If you applied the patch before importing the contents of cacti.sql, you'll have a few new configuration options in the web-based "cacti settings". There's a text box for the "SNMP version string", where you can enter "-v 2c", "-v 1", or whatever you need depending on the devices you're polling. The value you enter will go into the $force_version variable shown above; no editing the source necessary.

If you applied the patch to an existing setup, you can either edit the Cacti code, or manually add the 3 new SQL rows found near the top of the patch to get the configuration options.


Post by blaine »

Also make sure that you don't quote the version string in the version configuration box. Just the bare:
-v 2c
-v 1


Tried and failed

Post by BryanCromwell »

When I try do to the sql import i get

ERROR 1050 at line 6: Table 'auth_acl' already exists

What did I do wrong??

Re: Tried and failed

Post by Guest »

BryanCromwell wrote:When I try do to the sql import i get

ERROR 1050 at line 6: Table 'auth_acl' already exists

What did I do wrong??
You already have the cactus database structure build. Drop all the tables in the cactus database and try again.

Post by Guest »

I followed the directions to the "T" and I get the hunk failed, like so many other people did.

I have a full install of RedHat 9.

Any thoughts, I would love to use this product.


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