I'm running 0.6.5, graphs of the web server are generated ok and looks very impressive but the snmp stuff is not working. On the first screen when running cacti it could not frind snmpget and snmpwalk binarys. Where should these come from mrtg? php? or are they other downloads?
They are not anywhere on my system!
Thanks for any help!
Where should snmpwalk and smnpget be?
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
You must have the ucd-snmp package installed to get snmpwalk and snmpget. You can download the latest version here:
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/net- ... 2.3.tar.gz
Then you can untar it, run './configure', 'make', and 'make install'. That should give you what you need.
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/net- ... 2.3.tar.gz
Then you can untar it, run './configure', 'make', and 'make install'. That should give you what you need.
You have made a truly fab bit of software, totaly saved my sanity in work, we will be migrating to cacti asap.
Thanks for all the support,
p.s. have you thought of having a wish list on your web site? Not that money will be an issue, you will have no problem getting employed ) All the best!
You have made a truly fab bit of software, totaly saved my sanity in work, we will be migrating to cacti asap.
Thanks for all the support,
p.s. have you thought of having a wish list on your web site? Not that money will be an issue, you will have no problem getting employed ) All the best!
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