Plugin Architecture for Cacti and Monitoring Module

General discussion about Plugins for Cacti

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Re: Plugin Architecture for Cacti and Monitoring Module

Post by Howie »

cigamit wrote:Here is the beginnings of a plugin architecture for Cacti. This is basically the same plugin backend we currently use in Squirrelmail (GPL Licensed!). It makes for an excellent way to hook into almost any area of the code, just by adding a simple function call. I threw this together the other night, and it seems to work without any problems. Eventually we would want to add a ton more hooks, but the functionality is the same.
cigamit, have you had any feedback to suggest that this plugin patch will actually be rolled into a future cacti? I have a possible plugin, and it'd be nice to maybe try it using this simple system of hooks... but only if it doesn't add another step to the install (the patching of cacti first).
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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thold sound alert

Post by mlist »

Hi cigamit,

Do you think there will be the ability to play an mp3 files in future version of thold?
This is very important for me because we had a computer with ciscowork in our office and, when a router or a server was down, an mp3 files was played. Now I have thold on fedora but the defalut sound is terrible and too short.
I would like to play a long mp3 file (star treck alarm for example ^_^)
I have thought to install cacti on windows but the problem shouldn't be solved....

Thanks for your great work!!!! :)
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Re: thold sound alert

Post by cigamit »

mlist wrote:Hi cigamit,

Do you think there will be the ability to play an mp3 files in future version of thold?
This is very important for me because we had a computer with ciscowork in our office and, when a router or a server was down, an mp3 files was played. Now I have thold on fedora but the defalut sound is terrible and too short.
I would like to play a long mp3 file (star treck alarm for example ^_^)
I have thought to install cacti on windows but the problem shouldn't be solved....

Thanks for your great work!!!! :)
Currently thold doesn't play a sound... the monitor plugin does. Future versions of the monitor plugin will allow you to upload and set new sounds (you can currently just override the file if you like).

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sound alert

Post by mlist »

I didn't know that I can change the default sound!!!!!
It isn't important to have the ability to upload a file through the web interface....(even though it should be nice)
2 simple and brief questions:
1) Where is the default file?
2) Can I use an mp3 file with Fedora? Or need I to use windows?
3) What operating system do you use for cacti?

Thanks! :D
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problem... dont show monitor and thold in bar

Post by fakezito »


My problem in:


Code: Select all

pollux:/usr/share/cactitest# cd site
pollux:/usr/share/cactitest/site# pwd
pollux:/usr/share/cactitest/site# unzip /tmp/cacti-
pollux:/usr/share/cactitest/site# unzip /tmp/
Archive:  /tmp/
  inflating: Readme.txt
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/include/config_arrays.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/include/config_form.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/include/config.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/include/config_settings.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/include/plugins.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/include/top_graph_header.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/include/top_header.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/lib/api_device.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/lib/functions.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/lib/html.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/lib/html_form.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/data_sources.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/poller.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/plugins/index.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6g/graphs_new.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/include/config_form.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/include/top_header.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/include/config.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/include/plugins.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/include/config_arrays.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/include/config_settings.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/include/top_graph_header.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/lib/functions.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/lib/html.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/lib/api_device.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/lib/html_form.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/data_sources.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/poller.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/plugins/index.php
  inflating: files-0.8.6f/graphs_new.php
  inflating: cacti-plugin-0.8.6f.diff
  inflating: cacti-plugin-0.8.6g.diff
pollux:/usr/share/cactitest/site# patch -p1 -N < cacti-plugin-0.8.6g.diff
patching file data_sources.php
patching file graphs_new.php
patching file include/config_arrays.php
patching file include/config_form.php
patching file include/config.php
Hunk #1 FAILED at 26.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 172 (offset -3 lines).
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file include/config.php.rej
patching file include/config_settings.php
patching file include/plugins.php
patching file include/top_graph_header.php
patching file include/top_header.php
patching file lib/api_device.php
patching file lib/functions.php
patching file lib/html_form.php
patching file lib/html.php
patching file plugins/index.php
patching file poller.php
Hunk #1 succeeded at 35 with fuzz 1.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 231 (offset -3 lines).

Monitor and Thold not show me.

my config.php:

Code: Select all

my directories:

pollux:/usr/share/cacti/site# ls
about.php                 data_queries.php    graph_settings.php          host_templates.php  poller_commands.php  script_server.php
auth_changepassword.php   data_sources.php    graphs_items.php            images              poller_export.php    settings.php
auth_login.php            data_templates.php  graphs_new.php              include             poller.php           templates_export.php
cacti-plugin-0.8.6f.diff  docs                graphs.php                  index.php           poller.php.orig      templates_import.php
cacti-plugin-0.8.6g.diff  files-0.8.6f        graph_templates_inputs.php  install             Readme.txt           tree.php
cdef.php                  files-0.8.6g        graph_templates_items.php   lib                 resource             updates
cmd.php                   gprint_presets.php  graph_templates.php         log                 rra                  user_admin.php
color.php                 graph_image.php     graph_view.php              logout.php          rra.php              utilities.php
data_input.php            graph.php           host.php                    plugins             scripts

---- config file ---------
$plugins = array();
$plugins[] = 'monitor';
$plugins[] = 'thold';
include_once($config["include_path"] . "plugins.php");
/* Do not edit this line */
//$config = array();

$config = array();
$colors = array();
$config["url_path"] = '/cacti/';
Dont show monitor and thold in my cacti

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Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:29 pm
Location: B/CS Texas

Re: problem... dont show monitor and thold in bar

Post by cigamit »

fakezito wrote:Hi...

My problem in:


Monitor and Thold not show me.

my config.php:

Code: Select all

---- config file ---------
$plugins = array();
$plugins[] = 'monitor';
$plugins[] = 'thold';
include_once($config["include_path"] . "plugins.php");
/* Do not edit this line */
//$config = array();

$config = array();
$colors = array();
$config["url_path"] = '/cacti/';
Dont show monitor and thold in my cacti

The problem is where you placed the

Code: Select all

include_once($config["include_path"] . "plugins.php");
It should go down here.

Code: Select all

$config["library_path"] = ereg_replace("(.*[\/\\])include", "\\1lib", dirname(__FILE__));
$config["include_path"] = dirname(__FILE__);

/* include the plugin function, we do this before everything else,
   incase we want to add hooks to change config options */

include_once($config["include_path"] . "/plugins.php");

/* colors */
$colors["dark_outline"] = "454E53";
$colors["dark_bar"] = "AEB4B7";
$colors["panel"] = "E5E5E5";
$colors["panel_text"] = "000000";
$colors["panel_link"] = "000000";
$colors["light"] = "F5F5F5";
$colors["alternate"] = "E7E9F2";
$colors["panel_dark"] = "C5C5C5";
Also, make sure you add yourself to have access via the user rights (after fixing the above). You should have just replaced your config.php with the one provided, and then reset up your database username / password, it would have been alot easier.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:47 pm

problems continue

Post by fakezito »


i have the same problem again...

Monitor and Reports dont show icons and not "instaled" in cacti...

thold yeap.. this instaled correctly....

and one new instalation...
i get the files in files-0.8.6g and copy for root the cacti.

i put the new lines in config.php:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

in url_path

Code: Select all

$config["url_path"] = '/cacti/';
more nothing...

in cacti/plugins:

Code: Select all

pollux:/usr/share/cacti/site/plugins# ls -la
total 22
drwxr-x---   5 www-data www-data   184 2005-10-21 15:46 .
drwxr-xr-x  12 root     root      1760 2005-10-21 14:29 ..
-rw-r-----   1 www-data www-data    44 2005-10-21 14:29 index.php
drwxr-x---   3 www-data www-data   320 2005-10-21 14:39 monitor
drwxr-x---   3 www-data www-data   344 2005-10-21 15:46 reports
-rw-r-----   1 www-data www-data 16141 2005-10-21 15:45 reports.gzip
drwxr-x---   4 www-data www-data   528 2005-10-21 15:43 thold

Code: Select all

$database_type = "mysql";

$plugins = array();
$plugins[] = 'monitor';
$plugins[] = 'thold';
$plugins[] = 'reports'

Thold is running perfectly.

Thanks cigamit
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Location: GA


Post by spoonman »

I've got thold in cacti also...I had the same problem as a few others in here I believe....I've tried to set a few thresholds, ex. on a memory graph, to alert me when memory usage goes about 1.5 gigs but i never see the trigger goto 1. or never get alerted. Is there documention on this plugin ???? or good examples of tholds people are setting exactly for certain items??

Thanks all
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Re: dead host notification via email?

Post by torstentfk »


same problem here: thold 2.5 with plugin arch:
threshold works fine, dead host notification does not work.

Alex72 wrote:Hi 2 all of you!

First I want to thank everyone who spends time on developing or testing these great features all around cacti! You´re doing a great job!!!

I have installed the latest Plugin-Architectur (v0.6), latest Monitor Plugin (v0.3)and latest Thold-Plugin (v0.2.4) and have the following problem:

when a host is dead (monitoring and Thold Plugin show that it´s dead!) I receive no email notification!

Threshold notification is running - i.e. I receive email when threshold is exceeded!

Can anyone turn me into the right direction?

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Location: Munich, Germany

broken links

Post by torstentfk »


in console view the links on the left sideare normal as: ... plates.php
or ... ueries.php

Now I click on the links to get into the plugins (thold, Reporting). I get the right pages, but all links on the left changed into: ... plates.php
or ... ueries.php

There seems to be a change inthe directory change, but I could not locate it in the php-files. Any idea?

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Location: B/CS Texas

Re: broken links

Post by cigamit »

torstentfk wrote:Hi,

in console view the links on the left sideare normal as: ... plates.php
or ... ueries.php

Now I click on the links to get into the plugins (thold, Reporting). I get the right pages, but all links on the left changed into: ... plates.php
or ... ueries.php

There seems to be a change inthe directory change, but I could not locate it in the php-files. Any idea?

Did you set $config['url_path'] in the config file properly. In your case you should probably set it to "/cacti08/". That is what usually cases this. If not get back to me and I will see if I can dig up the problem.
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Post by henryd31 »

I have similar problem to others, I think...
Basically, used the plugins, monitor and thold, patched the cacti 0.8.6g with copying the files over. Thold seems to be working fine, so no issue there, but the monitor plugin seems to have problems. Basically, when I click on the monitor tab, all i get back is an empty page...In the apache's error log I get following:

[client x.x.x.x] PHP Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php on line 108, referer: http://x.x.x.x/cacti/index.php
[client x.x.x.x] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare addslashes_deep() (previously declared in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php:112) in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php on line 112, referer: http://x.x.x.x/cacti/index.php
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Post by cigamit »

henryd31 wrote:I have similar problem to others, I think...
Basically, used the plugins, monitor and thold, patched the cacti 0.8.6g with copying the files over. Thold seems to be working fine, so no issue there, but the monitor plugin seems to have problems. Basically, when I click on the monitor tab, all i get back is an empty page...In the apache's error log I get following:

[client x.x.x.x] PHP Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php on line 108, referer: http://x.x.x.x/cacti/index.php
[client x.x.x.x] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare addslashes_deep() (previously declared in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php:112) in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php on line 112, referer: http://x.x.x.x/cacti/index.php
I think I may have found what is causing this. Could redownload the plugin (same version until I can verify that its fixed) and retest it (just override your monitor.php since its the only thing to change). It should be working now. Report back here when done so I release a new version.
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Post by henryd31 »

cigamit wrote:
henryd31 wrote:I have similar problem to others, I think...
Basically, used the plugins, monitor and thold, patched the cacti 0.8.6g with copying the files over. Thold seems to be working fine, so no issue there, but the monitor plugin seems to have problems. Basically, when I click on the monitor tab, all i get back is an empty page...In the apache's error log I get following:

[client x.x.x.x] PHP Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php on line 108, referer: http://x.x.x.x/cacti/index.php
[client x.x.x.x] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare addslashes_deep() (previously declared in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php:112) in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php on line 112, referer: http://x.x.x.x/cacti/index.php
I think I may have found what is causing this. Could redownload the plugin (same version until I can verify that its fixed) and retest it (just override your monitor.php since its the only thing to change). It should be working now. Report back here when done so I release a new version.
Overwriting the files fixed it, so whatever you changed seems to work :-)

Thank You !
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Post by cigamit »

henryd31 wrote:
cigamit wrote:
henryd31 wrote:I have similar problem to others, I think...
Basically, used the plugins, monitor and thold, patched the cacti 0.8.6g with copying the files over. Thold seems to be working fine, so no issue there, but the monitor plugin seems to have problems. Basically, when I click on the monitor tab, all i get back is an empty page...In the apache's error log I get following:

[client x.x.x.x] PHP Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php on line 108, referer: http://x.x.x.x/cacti/index.php
[client x.x.x.x] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare addslashes_deep() (previously declared in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php:112) in /data/www/cacti/include/config.php on line 112, referer: http://x.x.x.x/cacti/index.php
I think I may have found what is causing this. Could redownload the plugin (same version until I can verify that its fixed) and retest it (just override your monitor.php since its the only thing to change). It should be working now. Report back here when done so I release a new version.
Overwriting the files fixed it, so whatever you changed seems to work :-)

Thank You !
Great, I will see about pushing out a new release today. I will do it while I am in the process of pushing out a new version of THold.
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