No polling with last cactid

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No polling with last cactid

Post by pfouquet »


With the last cactid, I have no polling.
Just a strange "Alarm Clock" warning:

Code: Select all

#./cactid.0.8.6f 150 150
CACTID: Using cactid config file [cactid.conf]
CACTID: DEBUG: The path_php_server variable is /data/cacti-0.8.6g/script_server.php
CACTID: DEBUG: The path_cactilog variable is /data/cacti/log/cacti.log
CACTID: DEBUG: The log_destination variable is 1
CACTID: DEBUG: The path_php variable is /bin/php
CACTID: DEBUG: The availability_method variable is 2
CACTID: DEBUG: The ping_recovery_count variable is 3
CACTID: DEBUG: The ping_failure_count variable is 2
CACTID: DEBUG: The ping_method variable is 2
CACTID: DEBUG: The ping_retries variable is 1
CACTID: DEBUG: The ping_timeout variable is 400
CACTID: DEBUG: The log_perror variable is 1
CACTID: DEBUG: The log_pwarn variable is 1
CACTID: DEBUG: The log_pstats variable is 1
CACTID: DEBUG: The threads variable is 1
CACTID: DEBUG: The polling interval is the system default
CACTID: DEBUG: The number of concurrent processes is 1
CACTID: DEBUG: The script timeout is 25
CACTID: DEBUG: StartHost='150', EndHost='150', TotalPHPScripts='0'
CACTID: DEBUG: The PHP Script Server is Not Required
CACTID: DEBUG:  The Maximum SNMP OID Get Size is 20
CACTID: CACTID: Version 0.8.6f starting
CACTID: MYSQL: Connecting to MySQL database 'cacti' on 'localhost'...
CACTID: MYSQL: Connected to MySQL database 'cacti' on 'localhost'...
CACTID: CACTID: Initializing PHP Script Server
CACTID: DEBUG: Parent pid=5825, Script Server pid=0
CACTID: DEBUG: Initial Value of Active Threads is 0
CACTID: DEBUG: In Poller, About to Start Polling of Host
CACTID: MYSQL: Connecting to MySQL database 'cacti' on 'localhost'...
CACTID: MYSQL: Connected to MySQL database 'cacti' on 'localhost'...
CACTID: DEBUG: Valid Thread to be Created
CACTID: DEBUG: The Value of Active Threads is 1
Alarm clock
Thanks for your help.

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Post by TheWitness »

run ./cactid -v and post your output.

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Post by pfouquet »

Code: Select all

#./cactid.0.8.6f -v
CACTID 0.8.6f  Copyright 2002-2005 by The Cacti Group
Usage: cactid [start_host_id end_host_id]
If you do not specify [start_host_id end_host_id], Cactid will poll all hosts.
Cactid relies on the cactid.conf file that can exist in multiple locations.
The first location checked is the current directory.  Optionally, it can be
placed in the '/etc' directory.
Cactid is distributed under the Terms of the GNU General
Public License Version 2. (
For more information, see
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Alarm Clock error is sporadic on any version of cactid

Post by unixrobot »

I am having similar issues.
Alarm Clock error sporadically happen approximately every once in 3 times and it exits without finishing the polling. This results in the graphs appear with gaps. cactid also hangs and does not close MySQL database connection, as a result MySQL runs out of connections and starts rejecting new connections. Had to implement mechanism to clean cactid processes and write a script that keeps track of how cactid exits, but would like a more long term solution if anyone has any.

Running on SPARC, Sun Solaris 8

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

CACTID 0.8.6f Copyright 2002-2005 by The Cacti Group

Usage: cactid [start_host_id end_host_id]

If you do not specify [start_host_id end_host_id], Cactid will poll all hosts.

Cactid relies on the cactid.conf file that can exist in multiple locations.
The first location checked is the current directory. Optionally, it can be
placed in the '/etc' directory.

Cactid is distributed under the Terms of the GNU General
Public License Version 2. (

For more information, see
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Post by gandalf »

cactid 0.8.6f is know to be buggy. Please try latest cactid, but pay attention to the upgrade hints (full paths required!)
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