I am at a remote location and cannot get to my box to give you a cli readout right now. I will provide it later...but...
I rather gave up on the whole $ARGV[1] thing and went to a more basic script in an effort to just get something out of it. I removed the $a, $b, etc and "hard coded" everything but the $ARGV[0] line. I also re-did my output per what I think the docs are saying, i.e. I gave it a name like so:
The following is from memory and may not be exactly correct in syntax. It is enough tho that you can see what I did to the scripts in my "hard coding" effort. It does give the desired output from a CLI tho when run from the actual script.
Code: Select all
$client = '/srv/www/htdocs/cacti/scripts/ -H $ARGV[0] -p 1248 -l "\\MSExchange Mailbox(_Total)\\Client Logons"';
$aclient = '/srv/www/htdocs/cacti/scripts/ -H $ARGV[0] -p 1248 -l "\\MSExchange Mailbox(_Total)\\Active Client Logons"';
chomp ($client)
chomp ($aclient)
print "Total Logons:($client) Active Logons:($aclient\n)
When run from the CLI thusly: "perl" it returns:
Total Logons:49 Active Logons:17
So it is getting the data correctly. I will post later with the actuals. I'm just doing this now because of timezone differences. I suspect that by the time I can post actuals you'll be soundly sleeping (I'm GMT -5)
Anyway..."Total Logons" and "Active Logons" are also the "Friendly Names" give to my output fields in my data input method. I have also tried "Tot_Cli_Logons" and "Act_Cli_Logons" which are the actual field names, not the friendly names. Neither has resulted in anything but "nan" values on my graphs.
Do I need to whack the graphs and data sources and re-create them for this to show up? I didn't think I did....but I suppose I will just to be sure, tho I hate deleting anything in Cacti regarding data sources...I remember the bug that deleted more than was supposed to be....and so I try to avoid it at all costs.
So thats where I am. I will whack the graphs and data sources and re-create it to see if that fixes anything.
Again, I appreciate every word you write to me. I am learning as fast as I can!
Chum aka Brian