Passing Device Variables to Server Scripts

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Passing Device Variables to Server Scripts

Post by JSpecMugen »

I'm trying to create a passive service checking application/solution for Cacti, and here's the basic layout/jist of what i'm trying to accomplish.

- Monitored device sits behind a firewall.
- An application is sitting on device creating an xml document that looks like so:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
<spot pcpid="DMC1000-001-100405-0001" mon_ver="1.01">
  <display model="PPM42M5S">
Once this file is generated, I use TFTP to submit it to a directory like this:


with the whole file string looking like:


Then on the server side, I have the following piece of code that i've designed out: (Note it's not complete nor does it reflect the final piece of code)

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# CPU Load XML Reader v1.0

use strict;
use XML::Twig;

# Define where XML status files are located

my $drop_path = '/usr/local/cacti/passive/';

# Open that XML status file for parsing

my $file = $drop_path . $ARGV[0] . '.xml';
my $twig = XML::Twig->new();


my $root = $twig->root;

foreach my $spot ($root->children('spot')){
print 'CPULoad:' . $spot->first_child_text('cpu_load');
With all that said, what i'm trying to accomplish is having Cacti provide the $ARGV variable with the DMC1000-001-100405-0001 of the filename for the XML document. I would like to use the Hostname field in the device configuration due to the fact that I won't be using that field because the monitored device is behind a firewall.

If anyone can help shed some light on how I can pass off that variable it would be most appreciated.

Also as I continue this application I will submit it back to the community, so if there are any other parties interested in providing some feedback, code or even criticism it would be much appreciated.


Jordan W.
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