Service (port) Monitoring

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Service (port) Monitoring

Post by apeterson »

Rather than only checking for up/down status using either snmp, ping or both, how about also checking specific tcp/udp ports either instead or in addition? Maybe even send a string and expect a response?
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Post by karpet »

not quite the same.. but might be of use to you. I just use it with thold

adaptation of the script to check if a connection can actually be established to a port.

perl <path_cacti>/scripts/ <count> <ip> <port>
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Post by TheWitness »


Please see the 0.8.6g addon call ss_fping.php. It supports the following format through the Script Server:

php ss_fping.php <hostname> <count> <type> <port>

<hostname> - Host DNS or IP
<count> - Number of connection attempts
<type> - ICMP, TCP, UDP
<port> - TCP/UDP Port to SYN

You may find that it's faster.

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How to implement fping

Post by apeterson »

I implemented ss_fping from the 1.2 version posted. I remember now why I stopped using it. It polls correctly (even with the new version and parameters) but something about the graphs doesn't work because cacti will not display them. Instead I get those awesome red X's as if it can't find the image/file. I don't believe the graph ID is getting recorded properly wherever that info gets recorded.

Can you offer any assistance?
TheWitness wrote:Karpet,

Please see the 0.8.6g addon call ss_fping.php. It supports the following format through the Script Server:

php ss_fping.php <hostname> <count> <type> <port>

<hostname> - Host DNS or IP
<count> - Number of connection attempts
<type> - ICMP, TCP, UDP
<port> - TCP/UDP Port to SYN

You may find that it's faster.

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Post by TheWitness »

Goto "Graph Management", edit one of the graphs in question. Once it's edited, there will be a Graph Debug link in the upper right corner. Please post the result of that DEBUG as well as the graph syntax.

To get the graph syntax, you must run in DEBUG mode and view the graph again. You can then goto the log and you will find a "CACTI2RRD" statement followed by the graph syntax.

True understanding begins only when we realize how little we truly understand...

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Service (port) Monitoring

Post by apeterson »

The debug output is non-existant other than a red X so I've attached it instead.

The graph syntax is:

09/16/2005 04:16:50 PM - WEBLOG: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: d:\apache\apache2\htdocs\cacti\rrdtool.exe graph - --imgformat=PNG --start=-86400 --end=-300 --title="365 Main AT&T Router TEST - Advanced Ping" --base=1000 --height=120 --width=500 --upper-limit=10 --lower-limit=0 --units-exponent=1 --vertical-label="milliseconds" --slope-mode --font TITLE:12:c:\winnt\fonts\arial.ttf --font AXIS:8:c:\winnt\fonts\arial.ttf --font LEGEND:10:c:\winnt\fonts\arial.ttf --font UNIT:8:c:\winnt\fonts\arial.ttf DEF:a="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":min:AVERAGE DEF:b="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":avg:AVERAGE DEF:c="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":max:AVERAGE DEF:d="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:e="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":dev:AVERAGE DEF:f="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:g="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:h="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:i="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:j="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:ba="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:bb="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:bc="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":avg:AVERAGE DEF:bd="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":max:AVERAGE DEF:be="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":max:AVERAGE DEF:bf="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":max:AVERAGE DEF:bg="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":max:AVERAGE DEF:bh="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":max:AVERAGE DEF:bi="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:bj="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:ca="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:cb="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:cc="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:cd="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:ce="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":loss:AVERAGE DEF:cf="D\:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra/365_main_att_router_test_loss_379.rrd":avg:AVERAGE CDEF:cdefg=d,0,GT,d,2,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefh=d,3,GT,d,5,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefi=d,5,GT,d,10,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefj=d,10,GT,d,15,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefba=d,15,GT,d,50,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefbb=d,50,GT,d,95,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefbc=d,95,GT,d,100,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefbd=d,UN,1,EQ,TIME,300,+,NOW,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,d,95,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,IF CDEF:cdefbf=e,2,/ CDEF:cdefbh=c,b,-,e,-,3,/ CDEF:cdefcd=d,0,GT,d,2,GT,UNKN,b,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefce=d,3,GT,d,5,GT,UNKN,b,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefcf=d,5,GT,d,10,GT,UNKN,b,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefcg=d,10,GT,d,15,GT,UNKN,b,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefch=d,15,GT,d,50,GT,b,INF,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefci=d,50,GT,d,95,GT,UNKN,b,IF,UNKN,IF CDEF:cdefcj=d,95,GT,d,100,GT,UNKN,b,IF,UNKN,IF COMMENT:" Pkt Loss\:" AREA:cdefg#AFECED:"1-2%" AREA:cdefh#55D6D3:"3-5%" AREA:cdefi#7CB3F1:"6-10%" AREA:cdefj#4668E4:"11-15%" AREA:cdefba#A150AA:"16-50%" AREA:cdefbb#FF00FF:"51-95%" AREA:cdefbc#F51D30:"96-100%" COMMENT:"Unknown\n" AREA:cf#FFFFFF:"" AREA:cdefbf#333333:"":STACK AREA:cdefbf#555555:"":STACK AREA:cdefbh#888888:"":STACK AREA:cdefbh#AAAAAA:"":STACK AREA:cdefbh#CCCCCC:"":STACK GPRINT:ce:AVERAGE:" Avg Loss\:%6.2lf%%" GPRINT:ce:MAX:"Max Loss\:%6.2lf%%\n" COMMENT:" Latency\:" AREA:cdefcd#AFECED:"" AREA:cdefce#55D6D3:"" AREA:cdefcf#7CB3F1:"" AREA:cdefcg#4668E4:"" AREA:cdefch#A150AA:"" AREA:cdefci#FF00FF:"" AREA:cdefcj#F51D30:"" GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Min\:%8.2lf ms" GPRINT:cf:AVERAGE:"Avg\:%8.2lf ms" GPRINT:bh:MAX:"Max\:%8.2lf ms" GPRINT:e:AVERAGE:"Dev\:%8.2lf ms\n" COMMENT:"Avg Latency\:" LINE1:cf#00BD27:"."

TheWitness wrote:Goto "Graph Management", edit one of the graphs in question. Once it's edited, there will be a Graph Debug link in the upper right corner. Please post the result of that DEBUG as well as the graph syntax.

To get the graph syntax, you must run in DEBUG mode and view the graph again. You can then goto the log and you will find a "CACTI2RRD" statement followed by the graph syntax.

Just a red X...
Just a red X...
nograph.JPG (8.77 KiB) Viewed 4349 times
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Post by apeterson »

Also, this is on Win2k. Is it possible this is the 2048 character limitation I read about? It certainly won't run that command from a command prompt window because it's way too long.
TheWitness wrote:Goto "Graph Management", edit one of the graphs in question. Once it's edited, there will be a Graph Debug link in the upper right corner. Please post the result of that DEBUG as well as the graph syntax.

To get the graph syntax, you must run in DEBUG mode and view the graph again. You can then goto the log and you will find a "CACTI2RRD" statement followed by the graph syntax.

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Post by TheWitness »

What is your Operating System?
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Post by apeterson »

TheWitness wrote:What is your Operating System?
Win2k (Server).
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Post by TheWitness »

Yes, that appears to be the problem. I want to rewrite the template, it will take a while. If you recreate the graph with a very short name, let the RRD be created and then rename the graph, you will have a workaround though.

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Post by apeterson »

You're right. I did what you said and it works now. I look forward to your update and thanks so much for the help! :D
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Post by apeterson »

No errors in the log in debug and the graphs are now accessible BUT empty. More fun with this on Monday...
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