Cacti & NetSaint/Nagios NSClient Scripts to monitor Wind

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Post by spoonman »

Hey I'm not sure, probably more network devices vs. servers/PCs there may be a difference as to whether or not it will respond to ICMP ( regular Ping) or UDP ping. ??

No I dont live in Seattle, Georgia actually. I just like the name, and the song!!!!!
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Post by zbose »

spoonman wrote:Hey I'm not sure, probably more network devices vs. servers/PCs there may be a difference as to whether or not it will respond to ICMP ( regular Ping) or UDP ping. ??

No I dont live in Seattle, Georgia actually. I just like the name, and the song!!!!!
You appear to be right. My server doesn't seem to respond to the UDP ping that it peforms.... and I don't really want to run cacti as root... hrm.

Oh well. Thanks for the help. Please post back if you figure out anything super cool :)
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Post by jo0oj »


i added the nagios scripts to cacti.
"query_netsaint users" works fine.
i created the device like the instrutions in this thread.
but the data source doesnt create the rra.
how can i troubleshoot this problem?

thx for help
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Post by hisoka »

I was wondering if anyone on this list can help with NS Client issues.
I think the first issue is whether or not I am wrong in thinking that
check_nt with the NS Client service is the best way to gather data from
Windows machines. It seems it should be, considering that the NS Client
is lightweight and has the ability to get data from Performance
Counters, which opens up a lot of monitoring possibilities. However, it
seems no one is developing this anymore, and not much discussion is out
there regarding bugs and problems.

Of course, my first suggestion to anyone would be to not use Windows
servers and go to Linux, but we consult for many companies and that just
isn"t our decision to make. Our clients are quite happy, however, when
we present NS Client as an alternative to resource hogs like HP
Openview"s clients.

The problem arises when I repeatedly get failures when using check_nt,
with output such as:

-No data was received from host!
-Socket timeout after X seconds.
-Connection refused by host.

This is not isolated to one Windows machine or even one network. It
seems symptomatic of the software--has anyone been through this before?

I realize there is an nrpe for windows, but we cannot take on the
development of plugins for MS platforms. I would love to smooth out
these NS Client issues. Can anyone help.

Ns Client ver. 2.0.1
Windows 2K servers.

Quoc-Dan Dang
CEGELEC Info Services
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Post by hinojosa89 »


I'm using this script but there are some graphs that aren't working fine. One of them is the memory graph, cacti doesn't create the rrd file.

Anybody can help me???

best regards
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Post by mpspind »

I'm having trouble getting this to work for a couple perfmon counters, but others are working/graphing fine. What I've found is when I run the script from the Cacti box, it collects the data fine. However in my Cacti graph, the perfmons I'm having trouble with display zeros. The RRA shows up - even appears to have data. At this point I don't know where to go next since the command line has the data but the graph displays zeros. I can't figure out where the data is supposed to go next, an RRD file I assume, then Cacti displays it? If that is correct, does anyone know how to view the contents of the RRD file to verify it is there? Would anyone know what the next step to check after that is - and then how?

Thanks in advance!
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Post by ataro »

Can anyone help with Nagios tempalte usage with Cacti?

I have place the perl scripts in Scripts folder and imported the grpah templates in Cacti web Interface. I can see the scripts in Data Input Methods.

The Caliban says "Edit them and put where your NetSaint Check_NT is"
I dod not understand this part.

Nagios client is running on my Windows Server. Now how do I generate the graphs for the server?
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