please include at least all graphs templates

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please include at least all graphs templates

Post by mlist »

I use cacti with satisfaction but, as already explained in some posts, the biggest problem (in my opinion) of cacti is that there isn't a "repository" for templates, patch etcc....and users continuosly need to read forum and search template, import them, try them etc....and THIS IS FRUSTRATING.
I know cacti developpers are too few and always busy but....because 0.9 will be available only at the end of year, could you provide (at least) a release with all templates created by users? least....a zip with THE MOST IMPORTANT templates and perl scripts?
Just one an example: someone created template with hd %usage (that in my opinion should be a basic future) but I wasn't able to use it; but there are some basic templastes.... A release with all most important templates included should be appreciated

Thanks :(
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Post by egarnel »

There soon will be a repository - check out

A lot of us are waiting for this...sort of like a for Cacti.
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Post by rony »

I agree, I was frustrated when I started using Cacti with just this fact. But I am the type that just made my own templates. :)

0.9.0 is going to include some very generic templates.. :) And at this point, I will try to see about getting more included in the release. :) But I will not promise anything.
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Post by mlist »

Ok Rony,

thanks for your reply, ad explained I understand that the problem is always time......however I sincerely hope you will include at least few others templates (AND SCRIPT).
Two suggestions:
1) hd% usage: this save lot of time because cacti users don't need to verify used space for every partition etc....
2) Ping latency (advanced): in the forum there is a detailed ping latency template that in my opinion is very very cool. I tried to use it on fedora but it doesn't work....may be a template and script already inclued and tested in cacti will solve this problem.
3) Exchange template: I think you know that lot of companies use exchange.....
4) Hp insight manager template (thousands of company use hp insight manager to monitor hp servers.....)
5) Apache and posffix

I think these should be included!

Thanks for your great work!!!!!

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