[XML] ApacheStats version 0.4

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Version 0.6

Post by klaubert »

Where I can found version 0.6? In project page is just 0.4 (that is great)!


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Post by Pumpi »


I'm trying to run this script on my new Fedora Core 4 Test System with Cactid 0.8.6e but I have no success:

Run the script from command line I get:

perl ws_apachestats.pl localhost
<HEAD><TITLE>An Error Occurred</TITLE></HEAD>
<H1>An Error Occurred</H1>
403 Forbidden

H have already :

Code: Select all

<Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from
    Allow from localhost
    Deny from all

Code: Select all

ExtendedStatus On

Code: Select all

in my httpd.conf

Any ideas ?
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Post by Pumpi »

Problem fixed with some httpd.conf tweaking ....

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Post by dennysp »

I'm also getting that error, would you mind sharing what you did to correct it?
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Post by Pumpi »

My settings now are (httpd.conf)

Listen *:80

ExtendedStatus On

<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Order allow,deny
Allow from
Allow from localhost
Deny from all

<VirtualHost localhost>
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Allow from localhost
Allow from
Deny from all
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Post by psm »


This module is working great after some conf adjustements, however, when trying to graph "WebServer - Apache Statistics - Bytes / Request" i got this error from RRDTool on the Debug Graph Management:

Code: Select all

ERROR: Could not parse color in ''
Any ideas ?
I tried to change the color but no success :|
I got this even if the "WebServer - Apache Statistics - kBits / s" graph is working properly.
Any help would be appreciate !
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Post by Pumpi »

Perhaps same problem irishpadres already mentioned:
Look in the Graph Template of the particular graph you are having problems with. Make sure you don't have any Area, Stack, Line1, Line2, or Line3 graph items configured with color as None. These types require that a color is defined
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Post by stigmata »

first: thx for apachestats - great work! ;)

other thing, the scripts creates no "WebServer - Apache Statistics - Bytes / Request" and "WebServer - Apache Statistics - Thread Details (%)" graphs - whats goin wrong?


### Allow server status reports, with the URL of http://servername/server-status
<IfModule mod_status.c>
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
<IfModule mod_access.c>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
allow from
#Allow from .your_domain.com
ExtendedStatus On

the other graphs ("WebServer - Apache Statistics - Thread Details", "WebServer - Apache Statistics - kBits / s", WebServer - Apache Statistics - Hits / s") works without any problems!

Why displays the "WebServer - Apache Statistics - Hits / s" graph the hits per seconds? I prefer display per minute - is it possible to change this? how? :)

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Fix for Graph Problems, 2 new Graphs

Post by gandalf »

rebel, CactiPadawan, psm, stigmata
The solution for your graph problems are described in the follwoing post: http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?p=44950#44950.
There's a successor to apachestats-0.4 as well, including CPULoad and Thread Scoreborad (designed after the screenshot of Rolf Poser).
If you're going to use the new templates, be sure to pay attention to the warnings if you're already using the old templates
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Optimisation of Apache.

Post by jlynch »

Ok so we have had .4 of this script running for some time now and have a good history of our useage and server/apache loads can seomone help interpret the out put for optimising Apache? For example if our average hits per second is x and a max is y would we set min spare servers to x and maxspare servers to y?

Any thoughts on utilising this great data?

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Graph Scale

Post by lsilva »


My server has a very little number of requests/sec:

Current Time: Monday, 06-Apr-2009 10:30:44 BRT
Restart Time: Friday, 03-Apr-2009 13:15:07 BRT
Parent Server Generation: 2
Server uptime: 2 days 21 hours 15 minutes 36 seconds
Total accesses: 29 - Total Traffic: 33 kB
CPU Usage: u.65 s.14 cu0 cs0 - .000317% CPU load
.000116 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 1165 B/request
2 requests currently being processed, 8 idle workers

In Cacti, the Y axis shows "10m".....Shouldn't it show 0,1, or something lower than 10m?
Current graph
Current graph
apache.png (21.78 KiB) Viewed 4951 times
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