Smoke-ping 0.86c

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Post by TheWitness »


This is a known issue with one of the aforementioned products. There was a fix posted. Unfortunately you have to google for it. :(

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Post by mlist »

The witness

after 2 hours of search I founded this post

in witch mpdsville1 speak about this problem and, at the end of post he says:

Thold release for 8.6d (version specific) release under thread

I hadn't associated this with Thold at the start, but clearly
that was the case. Thank you Ian/All for the help and pointers

Reading all replies at
I didn't find someone speaking about this specific problem but...someone speak about thold patchs and version different from mine.
As result now I'm more confused!
Because now I'm not sure anymore if I have all correct files;

I have fedora c3 with:
cacti 0.8.6d + official patchs
thold2.1a (adesimone version)
plugin monitor from cigamit
No others files: just files listed above

The question is:
Need I some others patchs or thold version??? :(

As I already asked to you in "future request", I sincerely hope that someone update the documentation or, at least, a brief list of all files, patchs etc... that need to be installed for a specific release because read all posts is very very frustrating.

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No data in the graph

Post by mrsmith »

I have a similar problem described before. But I never found a working solution for it. I'm running cacti 0.8.6e and my smoke ping does not display anything. Obvously the host up because my normal ping graph shows data and smokeping is not red. However it does not graph anything for this host. I checked the rra for the smokeping graph and it gets updated. Any ideas what could be wrong or if someone can point to the right direction?

Just for info the situation was exactly the same with 0.8.6d

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Post by Blueroot »


I have many problems with this templage.
First off all, there is no data collected and no graphs (rrd) will be automaticly
build. When I add it manuell, there is no date (actuell ~90% red since activiation).

I won't to smokeping ~200 hosts with ohne host (Smokeping -
But cacti don't work with it (Many of the same graphs with different titles like
Is there any way to add the hosts like with smokeping? I don't want two different graph systems...
Please help me :cry:

--> There are no logs, like there are no graphs (I have manuell add the rrds). No data will be collected by poller.php. But there are still ~40 graphs with smokeping added :(

--> Now it works, but the left side is red (must be fixed in 24hours =). But
another problem is, that the down side (under the green line) is complete white. I'll post a pic. next.
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smokeping / CDEFS

Post by tamaqua »

Is anyone familiar enough with CDEF's to expand the functionality to allow graphing of smaller loss? I.E.
0%-5% loss = color
5%-10% loss = another color
For me 1%-40% loss is just way too big of a span to give
enough info.

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Post by kslt »

who can explain me what meaning of the grayscale "smoke" colors ?
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Post by drose12 »

The smoke represents the overall jitter. The darker the smoke signifies that most of your ping pkts were in that latency range. The 2 darkest smoke colors are based on the deviation return by the ping test. The deviation is divided by 2 and stacked on top of the green avg line. The next 3 grays are based on the max ping, ie) max - (dev+avg) / 3, and stacked on top of the 2 darkest grays representing deviation. This was the closest approximation to the original smokeping created by Tobi O. Hope this helps.
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Post by kslt »

2 drose12:

u are the best !

thnks .
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Post by stelaras1 »

hello to all

i have used roddie 's script

Code: Select all


$host = $ARGV[0]; 
$ping=`/usr/local/sbin/fping -c 10 -p 50 -i 20 -q $host`; 
($x, $y) = split (",", $ping); 
($xmt,$rcv,$loss) = ($x =~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/); 
($min,$avg,$max) = ($y =~ /(\d+\.?\d*)\/(\d+\.?\d*)\/(\d+\.?\d*)/); 
$dev1 = $avg - $min; 
$dev2 = $max - $avg; 
$dev = ($dev1 + $dev2)/2; 
printf ("min:%.3f avg:%.3f max:%.3f dev:%.3f loss:%.0f", $min, $avg, $max, $dev, $loss);
but sometimes i get gaps in graphs...
is there a possibility that the script has not enough time to be executed and then return its values?

I mean that maybe the data template cannot take input from script because of time.

How can i give a solution to this?
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Post by TheWitness »

Clear the unit's exponent on the Graph Template and see if it has any effect. The RPN itself looks Ok.

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Post by Joi »

Dealing with the same issue here, that the 'g' DEF isn't defined. Any clues where to look for a solution?

/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title="01 - Smoke Ping" \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--width=500 \
--upper-limit=10 \
--lower-limit=0 \
--vertical-label="milliseconds" \
--slope-mode \
DEF:a="/cacti/rra/01_min_2641.rrd":avg:AVERAGE \
DEF:b="/cacti/rra/01_min_2641.rrd":max:AVERAGE \
DEF:c="/cacti/rra/01_min_2641.rrd":min:AVERAGE \
DEF:d="/cacti/rra/01_min_2641.rrd":loss:AVERAGE \
DEF:e="/cacti/rra/01_min_2641.rrd":max:MAX \
CDEF:cdefb=b,a,-,0.2,* \
CDEF:cdefh=a,g,-,0.2,* \
CDEF:cdefbc=e,0,* \
CDEF:cdefbd=bc,0,GT,UNKN,a,IF \
CDEF:cdefbe=bc,0,GT,bc,40,GT,UNKN,g,IF,UNKN,IF \
CDEF:cdefbf=bc,40,GT,bc,80,GT,UNKN,g,IF,UNKN,IF \
CDEF:cdefbg=bc,UN,1,EQ,TIME,300,+,NOW,GT,UNKN,INF,IF,bc,80,GT,INF,UNKN,IF,IF \
CDEF:cdefbh=d,UN,1,EQ,TIME,300,+,NOW,GT,100,0,IF,100,d,-,IF \
AREA:cdefb#333333:"":STACK \
AREA:cdefb#555555:"":STACK \
AREA:cdefb#888888:"":STACK \
AREA:cdefh#888888:"":STACK \
AREA:cdefh#555555:"":STACK \
AREA:cdefh#333333:"":STACK \
AREA:cdefbc#FFFFFF:"" \
LINE1:cdefbd#00CF00:"Up" \
AREA:cdefbe#4123A1:"Packet loss \: 1 -> 40 %" \
AREA:cdefbf#8F005C:"Packet loss 41 -> 80 %" \
AREA:cdefbg#FF0000:"Down\n" \
GPRINT:cdefbh:AVERAGE:"Success rate \:%8.2lf %%\n" \
COMMENT:"Response time \:" \
GPRINT:c:MIN:"Minimum \:%8.2lf ms" \
GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average \:%8.2lf ms" \
GPRINT:e:MAX:"Maximum \:%8.2lf ms\n"

RRDTool Says:

ERROR: invalid rpn expression in: a,g,-,0.2,*

Cheers, Joi
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Post by TheWitness »

Yea, this is odd in that I attempted to import a few different version, and must have missed the right one, cause none of them matched either one. So, if you can re-attach right template that would help.

I am uncertain what happened. Maybe a note to Rony, but repost the template wou;d be good.

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Post by TheWitness »

The mysql one is with an invalid character in the unit_?? in the graph template and is a quick fix.

This one on the other hand, should be a quick fix. I did notice that the DS definitions are optimal, but that the cdef's need to be updated. So, even though the graph is broken, the performance should be much better due to removing the garbadge from the template.

I suggest fixing the tmplate and leaving it at that.

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Post by pregopresto »

@roddie, thanks for the tip. after the changes now everything works fine here again!
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Post by Spaz »

I am trying to get smokeping working but this error is returned:
ERROR: invalid rpn expression in: a,g,-,0.2,*
linux slackware
cacti last version
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