Smoke-ping 0.86c

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Post by metos »

This answer is not very helpful.... at the begining of the post the answer was: upgrade to 0.8.6.c .... :lol: the script is always the same.
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Post by boran11 »

I had a similar problem noted in the thread higher up, and upgrading to "d" solved it. At least use the newest version? The script is not necessarily the problem.
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Fping script not returning properly

Post by roger69 »

I'm using the fping script from earlier in this thread, and I get

# perl /var/www/html/cacti/scripts/ : xmt/rcv/%loss = 10/10/0%, min/avg/max = 23.4/63.4/105
min:0.000 avg:0.000 max:0.000 dev:0.000 loss:0

This is on a Fedora Core box. I know fping works okay because I am
running smokeping itself on the same machine.

Anyone know what the problem might be? Obviously I have to get this
fixed before cacti will work.

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Post by roger69 »

Well, this script returns accurate results, and on a single line. So that's a huge improvement. And running a diff between it and the script back a ways in this thread shows tiny tiny differences.

Don'tcha just love scripting?

Thanks. Now I've got to get cacti to graph the output.

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Okay this is very odd

Post by roger69 »

Any idea about why this is happening? I'm using your the from just above. I don't understand why there are parts of data and then red. I've had this running for several days now.

The second image is from the smokeping script in cacti.

By comparison, the first image is from my live smokeping install.

Both are talking to the same Cisco router on the other end of a T1.

GualalaCable_last_86400.png (15.96 KiB) Viewed 14794 times
graph_image.php.png (7.3 KiB) Viewed 14797 times
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Post by _alex_ »

I have a little problem with the graph
it seems that the rra is populated only when the collected values is equal to 9.0 .

here is my graph.

cacti version is 0.8.6d
Sans titre.jpg
Sans titre.jpg (39.85 KiB) Viewed 14741 times
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Post by magnetyk »


When i try to add smokeping in the Associated data queries of a host it said :
Notice: Undefined index: arg_index in /usr/share/cacti/lib/data_query.php on line 97

Notice: Undefined index: script_path in /usr/share/cacti/lib/data_query.php on line 97

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /usr/share/cacti/lib/data_query.php on line 106

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /usr/share/cacti/lib/data_query.php on line 490

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/share/cacti/lib/data_query.php:97) in /usr/share/cacti/host.php on line 104
I read the .php file but i'm a nOob ;)
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Post by predou »

Roger69 > pour le rouge, çà veut dire que sur les 5 pings effectués durant la phase de pool, il n'a eu aucun réponse de l'équipement !!!
Vu que c un ping icmp sous fedora core 3 au départ, peut être tu as une distrib différente et ke le ping ne fonctionne pas pareil OU vérifies les valeurs récoltés par le ping au niveau du RRD et des logs cactis.

alex > I don't know why it blank, see logs and RRD file and ask me if necessary.

mangetyk > Don't try to add smokeping to associeted data query, it's not this.
My smoke ping script is composed from graph template, data source template, CDEF, GPRINT and a data input method ( script/command).
For your php's error, i can't debug that ( maybe php version , cacti version ... )
You just need to import and if you want to associated this with a device type, go to the device template directly and add Smokeping graph into it.
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getting error in smokeping!

Post by magarwal2 »

i was trying to use smokeping template but i am getting an error that says:

RRDTool Says:

ERROR: invalid rpn expression in: a,g,-,0.2,*

I have downloaded the cacti_graph_template_smoke_ping.xml and added that to my list of templates , also I have also downloaded fping.

Am i doing the right thing??
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Post by tightcode »

First of all I am new to cacti and have just been reading up on new templates. If someone needs help translating with predou back and forth let me know. (Predou si tu veux un coup de main pour comprendre ces anglophones, je suis disponible en tant que traducteur ;) )

To magnetyk:
You are getting those errors because of a missing check (well two in your example) in data_query.php. I have opened a bug for this already, but the quick fix is in data_query.php to make the following changes:
Starting at line 106 replace:

Code: Select all

	while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($script_queries["fields"])) {
		if ($field_array["direction"] == "input") {
			$script_path = get_script_query_path((isset($script_queries["arg_prepend"]) ? $script_queries["arg_prepend"] . " ": "") . $script_queries["arg_query"] . " " . $field_array["query_name"], $script_queries["script_path"], $host_id);

			$script_data_array = exec_into_array($script_path);

			debug_log_insert("data_query", "Executing script query '$script_path'");

			for ($i=0;($i<sizeof($script_data_array));$i++) {
				if (preg_match("/(.*)" . preg_quote($script_queries["output_delimeter"]) . "(.*)/", $script_data_array[$i], $matches)) {
					$script_index = $matches[1];
					$field_value = $matches[2];

					db_execute("replace into host_snmp_cache
						values ($host_id,$snmp_query_id,'$field_name','$field_value','$script_index','')");

					debug_log_insert("data_query", "Found item [$field_name='$field_value'] index: $script_index");

	return true;

Code: Select all

	if (is_array($script_queries["fields"])) {
		while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($script_queries["fields"])) {
			if ($field_array["direction"] == "input") {
				$script_path = get_script_query_path((isset($script_queries["arg_prepend"]) ? $script_queries["arg_prepend"] . " ": "") . $script_queries["arg_query"] . " " . $field_array["query_name"], $script_queries["script_path"], $host_id);
				$script_data_array = exec_into_array($script_path);
				debug_log_insert("data_query", "Executing script query '$script_path'");
				for ($i=0;($i<sizeof($script_data_array));$i++) {
					if (preg_match("/(.*)" . preg_quote($script_queries["output_delimeter"]) . "(.*)/", $script_data_array[$i], $matches)) {
						$script_index = $matches[1];
						$field_value = $matches[2];
						db_execute("replace into host_snmp_cache
							values ($host_id,$snmp_query_id,'$field_name','$field_value','$script_index','')");
						debug_log_insert("data_query", "Found item [$field_name='$field_value'] index: $script_index");
		return true;
	else {
		debug_log_insert("data_query","script_queries['fields'] not an array");
		return false;
And starting at line ~490 replace:

Code: Select all

	/* list each of the input fields for this snmp query */
	while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($raw_xml["fields"])) {
		if ($field_array["direction"] == "input") {
			/* create a list of all values for this index */
			if (sizeof($data_query_index_array) == 0) {
				$field_values = db_fetch_assoc("select field_value from host_snmp_cache where host_id=$host_id and snmp_query_id=$data_query_id and field_name='$field_name'");
				$field_values = db_fetch_assoc("select field_value from host_snmp_cache where host_id=$host_id and snmp_query_id=$data_query_id and field_name='$field_name' and $sql_or");

			/* aggregate the above list so there is no duplicates */
			$aggregate_field_values = array_rekey($field_values, "field_value", "field_value");

			/* fields that contain duplicate or empty values are not suitable to index off of */
			if (!((sizeof($aggregate_field_values) < sizeof($field_values)) || (in_array("", $aggregate_field_values) == true) || (sizeof($aggregate_field_values) == 0))) {
				array_push($xml_outputs, $field_name);

Code: Select all

	/* list each of the input fields for this snmp query */
	if (is_array($raw_xml["fields"])) {
		while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($raw_xml["fields"])) {
			if ($field_array["direction"] == "input") {
				/* create a list of all values for this index */
				if (sizeof($data_query_index_array) == 0) {
					$field_values = db_fetch_assoc("select field_value from host_snmp_cache where host_id=$host_id and snmp_query_id=$data_query_id and field_name='$field_name'");
					$field_values = db_fetch_assoc("select field_value from host_snmp_cache where host_id=$host_id and snmp_query_id=$data_query_id and field_name='$field_name' and $sql_or");
				/* aggregate the above list so there is no duplicates */
				$aggregate_field_values = array_rekey($field_values, "field_value", "field_value");
				/* fields that contain duplicate or empty values are not suitable to index off of */
				if (!((sizeof($aggregate_field_values) < sizeof($field_values)) || (in_array("", $aggregate_field_values) == true) || (sizeof($aggregate_field_values) == 0))) {
					array_push($xml_outputs, $field_name);
Now this will not specifically fix your problem but it will catch those errors so that you can see cacti's output to see what your actual problem is since the errors thrown are preventing you from seeing anything.

Cheers everyone, TC

Post Scriptum: there are more elegant and optimal ways of handling that bug, I just think that is the easiest to cut and paste without reviewing more of the code to see what function returns are expected where etc...
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Post by raX »


In addition to fixing the error outlined in bug#0000481, I also fixed the errors you mentioned in this thread. Both fixes will appear in the soon to be released 0.8.6e.

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Post by tightcode »

Thank you raX (Ian) I am really quite pleased with cacti, I look forward to using it more and more so I can discover the features I am not yet using.

Take care and thanks again for fixing those little errors.

Cheers, TC
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import xml fails with cacti 0.8.6d

Post by mlist »

I have cacti 0.8.6d+thold 2.1a+monitor plugin of fedora c3. All work fine but, when I try to import (through my browser, menu "import template") cacti_graph_template_smoke_ping.xml, the error is:

Error: XML: Cacti version does not exist

If I try to import template from text, the error is:
Error: XML: Cacti version does not exist

I read some posts about this type of problems but I didn't find a solution.

Can someone help me please?
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Post by TheWitness »

It would appear that you file include/config_arrays.php is damaged. You need to look to the maintainers of those addons for support. We are trying to get them more prepared for our upcomming releases as we don't like to see people suffer.

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Post by mlist »


I'll try to contact authors but I think :-? that the problem could be more serious because I'm sure that my config_arrays.php is not corrupted because I tried to import various template (not only smokeping) from 2 different machines (both fedora c3 with cacti 0.8.6d+thold 2.1a+monitor plugin).
I thing all modules should be updated from authors in order to work with cacti 0.8.6d or, instead, it could be a problem related to cacti 0.8.6d that needs something.
What do you think???

As usual....thanks for you kind reply.
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