Does some body have C A R rate limit scripts

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Does some body have C A R rate limit scripts

Post by fonda »

Does some body have CAR rate limit scripts for cacti ..

thx any where
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Post by BSDeality »

what in the world is CAR?
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C A R is..

Post by fonda »

Committed Access Rate ( CAR ) Rate Limit..

this is from Cisco

The Committed Access Rate (CAR) feature performs the following functions:

Limits the input or output transmission rate on an interface or subinterface based on a flexible set of criteria.

Classifies packets by setting the IP precedence or QoS group. A QoS group is a QoS class identifier internal to the router.

Note QoS group classification is only available for Cisco IOS Release 11.1(20)CC and later 11.1 CC releases.

CAR can be used to rate-limit traffic based on certain matching criteria, such as incoming interface, IP precedence, QoS group, or IP access list criteria. CAR provides configurable actions, such as transmit, drop, set precedence, or set QoS group, when traffic conforms to or exceeds the rate limit.
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Post by yid »

Here's a breakdown of the MIB for car config/stats ... =v2&t=tree

I'm not sure which stats you're looking for in particular.

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Post by userlerueda »

I'm trying to, any help would be appreciated, I have narrowed it down to the following:
CISCO-CAR-MIB::ccarConfigRate.13.input.1 = INTEGER: 18432000 bits/second
CISCO-CAR-MIB::ccarConfigRate.13.output.1 = INTEGER: 18432000 bits/second

13 is the ifIndex, but then it goes through input and output, but on an XML file, how do you write the OID so that it may have a variable parameter, for instance something like :

<oid>ccarConfigRate.$ifIndexVariable.input</oid> anyone know what i'm talkiing about ?

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Post by TFC »

I have the problem about CAR,Rate Limit.
I have the OID about CAR as
But when I run snmpwalk with this OID ı get:
[root@localhost rra]# snmpwalk -c tazmania -v 2c .
enterprises. = Counter64: 0
enterprises. = Counter64: 26285346816
I think that :
22.1.1 --> 22 is ifIndex and input value
22.2.1 --> 22 is ifIndex and output value.
I need to write graph per interface.
Also I need an xml code that runs like In/Out Bits-Interface .
Actually, How can show 22.2.1 nad 22.2.1 as MIB Instance?
How can I do this?
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Commited Access Rate

Post by rsharpe »

I have created a script to monitor CAR. I would have preferred to do it via the built in SNMP tools in cacti. But for me I found it a little too complicated. If someone has a more efficient way of polling CAR then please let me know. Attached is the script I created one date and graphs template for Bits Conformed, one data and graphs template for Bits Filtered, as well as a screen shot on how to set up the script/command. Thanks!
Templates, Script, JPEG
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CAR Rate-limit

Post by ubud »

Hello i success create rate-limit in my mrtg mechine, i think it will successfull to in cacti machine, couse its running in same methode,You can access the manual in

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