newbie that doesn't know what he's broken!
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newbie that doesn't know what he's broken!
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /usr/local/www/cacti/include/database.php on line 19
I have no idea how to fix this, total newbie to mysql, and cacti - any pointer towards something that could help me fix, or a direct answer (in plainish english) would be greatfully accepted
I believe I have added the username cactiuser to the mysql database. and the cron job is working every 5 minutes, I just can't log into it to actually configure it - getting the above error. . . to someone that knows what they're doing its probably totally obvious.. but not to me yet
Howdy,Anonymous wrote:You should check the include/config.php to for the proper $database, $username, $password settings.
Yerp, I have checked this.. and it is the same as what I've added to mysql, with the grant function, according to
Any more suggestions?
Howdy,bulek wrote:The error message says that mysql_connect() is undefined. This probably means that php has been compiled without mysql support. If you use RPM based PHP package you need to install php-mysql RPM as well. If you cumpile PHP by yourself then add --with-mysql option to configure script.
- bulek
I'm using freebsd 4.3 (stable), and installed php4 via the ports collection (/usr/ports/lang/php4) . . in the installation script there, I did select mysql support . . .
Next suggestion?
Well... I insist on fact you don't have PHP support for MySQL in place. Can you make a test page with the following contents:
Load it into your browser and check if MySQL module is loaded and working properly.
- bulek
Code: Select all
echo phpinfo();
- bulek
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