access denied when using FastCGI; works ok with normal cgi

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access denied when using FastCGI; works ok with normal cgi

Post by omz13 »


I'm trying to get a virgin install of cacti-0.8.6d working on my Gentoo/Linux box (with php4.3.11 driven using fastcgi by lighttpd).

Everything seemed to be going well, and I got as far as logging for the first time as admin/admin, and forced changing the password.

Then, alas, all I get is an Access Denied page, and I can't login using admin and the new password.

(This is an error from cacti, and not an HTTP error... specifically, its:
You are not permitted to access this section of Cacti. If you feel that you need access to this particular section, please contact the Cacti administrator).

When I close my browser and try again, I still can't get past that login page and keep getting thrown that Access Denied page :(

BTW, there was a similar problem with 0.8.6b (see ... nied.patch )... I'm not sure if this is related in any way.

Any ideas what's going wrong?
Last edited by omz13 on Fri May 13, 2005 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rony »

I would make sure that you have session support turned on in PHP. If that doesn't work, attempt to disable FastCGI and see what happens.

That patch you mention, has no relation to your problem if you are using 0.8.6d.
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cacti fails with FastCGI but works with CGI

Post by omz13 »

I would make sure that you have session support turned on in PHP. If that doesn't work, attempt to disable FastCGI and see what happens.
Hi Rony,

Session support is enabled and working (my /tmp contains the appropriate sess_* files).

Now, I disabled FastCGI and reverted to executing my php scripts using the tradditional CGI method... lo and behold, cacti now works!

So now I guess my question is how can I get cacti to work with FastCGI?
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Post by omz13 »

I've discovered the problem, and the solution is real easy.

My php.ini file did not contain

Code: Select all

cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
Adding this means that cacti now works using FastCGI and lighttpd.

Perhaps there could be some way for cacti to check for this missing config option and throw up a suitable message?
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Post by rony »

Um.... Good to know... Will add to the FAQ I'm building.
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