AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
I'm running Cact 1.2.25 on RHEL 8.10. I have a couple of AVTECH RoomAlert 3E devices. All of these devices are reporting as expected; however, I have one device that is flooding its ExternalTemp_C rrd with -nan values. The ExternalTemp_F and InternalSensors are all reporting as expected. I have matched the device settings, OID, and template settings between a fully functional unit and it has not resolved my issue. Also, the polling time is rendering the same symptom for this device when others of the same type are working. SNMP walk for the OID is returning an integer value as expected. The device controller interface is rendering valid values for the temperature.
I don't know where else to go from here...
I don't know where else to go from here...
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
1) check management -> devices -> problematic device -> Maximum OIDs Per Get Request and Bulk Walk Maximum Repetitions and snmp timeout
2) reindex device (on the same page above)
3) try enable debug (on the same page above) and post here log
2) reindex device (on the same page above)
3) try enable debug (on the same page above) and post here log
Let the Cacti grow!
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
Maximum OIDs Per Get Request: 10 OID's
Bulk Walk Maximum Repetitions: Auto Detect/Set on first Re-index
SNMP Timeout: 500
Bulk Walk Maximum Repetitions: Auto Detect/Set on first Re-index
SNMP Timeout: 500
Code: Select all
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - SYSTEM THOLD STATS: Time:0.05 Tholds:12 TotalDevices:14 DownDevices:3 NewDownDevices:0
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142495] NOTE: Registering process! (thold, master, 1, 142495)
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142485] NOTE: Registering process! (reports, master, 0, 142485)
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - AUTOM8 [PID: 142489] Not time to Run Discovery for 'Test Network'
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - SYSTEM MAINT STATS: Time:0.01
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142491] NOTE: Registering process! (maintenance, master, 1, 142491)
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142487] NOTE: Registering process! (spikekill, master, 0, 142487)
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/thold/poller_thold.php]
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q /usr/share/cacti/poller_rrdcheck.php]
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q '/usr/share/cacti/poller_maintenance.php']
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q '/usr/share/cacti/poller_automation.php' -M]
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q '/usr/share/cacti/poller_spikekill.php']
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q /usr/share/cacti/poller_reports.php]
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - SNMPAGENT WARNING: No notification receivers configured for event: cactiNotifyDeviceFailedPoll (CACTI-MIB), severity: medium
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - SYSTEM STATS: Time:7.2899 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:1 Hosts:14 HostsPerProcess:14 DataSources:91 RRDsProcessed:75
2024-10-03 08:50:09 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] Processing Poller Output with 1 maximum items to be processed
2024-10-03 08:50:08 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Time: 6.6245 s, Poller: 1, Threads: N/A, Devices: 13, Items: 85, Errors: 1
2024-10-03 08:50:08 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[test] Time[2.01] Items[0] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:08 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[test] STATUS: Device '' is Down.
2024-10-03 08:50:08 - PING Device[test] SNMP: Device did not respond to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:08 - SNMP WARNING: SNMP Error:'Timeout (500 ms)', Device:'', OID:'.'
2024-10-03 08:50:08 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] Processing Poller Output with 40000 maximum items to be processed
2024-10-03 08:50:07 - SNMP WARNING: SNMP Error:'Timeout (500 ms)', Device:'', OID:'.'
2024-10-03 08:50:07 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] Processing Poller Output with 40000 maximum items to be processed
2024-10-03 08:50:06 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/131-PVDEpitaxy] Time[2.01] Items[0] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:06 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/131-PVDEpitaxy] STATUS: Device '' is Down.
2024-10-03 08:50:06 - PING Device[654/131-PVDEpitaxy] SNMP: Device did not respond to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:06 - SNMP WARNING: SNMP Error:'Timeout (500 ms)', Device:'', OID:'.'
2024-10-03 08:50:06 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] Processing Poller Output with 40000 maximum items to be processed
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - SNMP WARNING: SNMP Error:'Timeout (500 ms)', Device:'', OID:'.'
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651192-flatoptics_internaltemp_f_291.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959804:U
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651192-flatoptics_internaltemp_c_290.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959804:1736
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651192-flatoptics_extdewpoint_c_289.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExtDewPoint_C 1727959804:6212
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651192-flatoptics_externaltemp_f_288.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959804:6548
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651192-flatoptics_externaltemp_c_287.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959804:1860
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651245-phononics_external_rh_224.rrd --skip-past-updates --template External_RH 1727959804:2477
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651245-phononics_externaltemp_c_223.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959804:2959
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651245-phononics_externaltemp_f_222.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959804:8526
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651245-phononics_internaltemp_c_221.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959804:2731
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651245-phononics_internaltemp_f_220.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959804:8115
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651245-phononics_polling_time_219.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959804:0.022030115127563
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] Processing Poller Output with 40000 maximum items to be processed
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] Time[0.02] Items[5] Errors[1]
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] Writing 5 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] DS[651/192-FlatOptics - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[651/192-FlatOptics - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.45] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: U
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] DS[651/192-FlatOptics - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[651/192-FlatOptics - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.01] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 1736
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] DS[AVTECH RoomAlert 3S - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[651/192-FlatOptics - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.19] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExtDewPoint_C, oid: ., output: 6212
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] DS[651/192-FlatOptics - External Sensor °F] Graphs[651/192-FlatOptics - External Sensor °F] TT[1.17] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 6548
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] DS[651/192-FlatOptics - External Sensor °C] Graphs[651/192-FlatOptics - External Sensor °C] TT[1.13] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 1860
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - PING Device[651/192-FlatOptics] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] Time[0.05] Items[6] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] Writing 6 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] DS[651/245-Phononics - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[651/245-Phononics - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.24] SNMP: v1:, dsname: External_RH, oid: ., output: 2477
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] DS[651/245-Phononics - External Sensor °C] Graphs[651/245-Phononics - External Sensor °C] TT[1.33] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2959
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] DS[651/245-Phononics - External Sensor °F] Graphs[651/245-Phononics - External Sensor °F] TT[1.25] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 8526
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] DS[651/245-Phononics - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[651/245-Phononics - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.44] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2731
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] DS[651/245-Phononics - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[651/245-Phononics - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.37] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 8115
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] DS[651/245-Phononics - Polling Time] Graphs[651/245-Phononics - Polling Time] TT[0.5] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '22' polling_time, output: 0.022030115127563
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[8] RESPONSE:'0.022030115127563'
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[8] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '22', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/245-Phononics] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - PING Device[651/245-Phononics] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/247-Perovskite] Time[2.01] Items[0] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/247-Perovskite] STATUS: Device '' is Down.
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - PING Device[651/247-Perovskite] SNMP: Device did not respond to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - SNMP WARNING: SNMP Error:'Timeout (500 ms)', Device:'', OID:'.'
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] Processing Poller Output with 40000 maximum items to be processed
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - SNMP WARNING: SNMP Error:'Timeout (500 ms)', Device:'', OID:'.'
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654cleanroom_external_rh_321.rrd --skip-past-updates --template External_RH 1727959802:4290
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654cleanroom_externaltemp_c_320.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959802:1761
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654cleanroom_externaltemp_f_319.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959802:6369
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654cleanroom_internaltemp_c_318.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959802:650
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654cleanroom_internaltemp_f_317.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959802:4370
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654cleanroom_polling_time_316.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.021849870681763
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_polling_time_206.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.03931999206543
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_polling_time_205.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.039490938186646
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor9_c_204.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor9_C 1727959802:6554
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor8_c_203.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor8_C 1727959802:6554
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor7_c_202.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor7_C 1727959802:-2087
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor6_c_201.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor6_C 1727959802:6554
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor5_c_200.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor5_C 1727959802:539
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor10_c_199.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor10_C 1727959802:6554
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor9_c_198.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor9_C 1727959802:6554
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor8_c_197.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor8_C 1727959802:6554
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor7_c_196.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor7_C 1727959802:6554
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor6_c_195.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor6_C 1727959802:1907
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor10_c_194.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor10_C 1727959802:6554
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor5_c_193.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor5_C 1727959802:343
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor4_c_186.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor4_C 1727959802:-2200
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor3_c_185.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor3_C 1727959802:427
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor2_c_184.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor2_C 1727959802:464
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654249_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor1_c_183.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor1_C 1727959802:-7420
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor4_c_176.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor4_C 1727959802:1886
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor3_c_175.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor3_C 1727959802:-7138
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor2_c_174.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor2_C 1727959802:-1835
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/654103_sensaphone_wsg30_sensor1_c_173.rrd --skip-past-updates --template Sensor1_C 1727959802:1907
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-nitrogen_external_rh_121.rrd --skip-past-updates --template External_RH 1727959802:1880
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-nitrogen_externaltemp_c_120.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959802:1882
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-nitrogen_externaltemp_f_119.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959802:6587
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-nitrogen_internaltemp_c_118.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959802:2737
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-nitrogen_internaltemp_f_117.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959802:8126
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-nitrogen_polling_time_116.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.020238876342773
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651262-integratedphotonics_external_rh_115.rrd --skip-past-updates --template External_RH 1727959802:4767
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651262-integratedphotonics_externaltemp_c_114.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959802:2002
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651262-integratedphotonics_externaltemp_f_113.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959802:6803
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651262-integratedphotonics_internaltemp_c_112.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959802:3025
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651262-integratedphotonics_internaltemp_f_111.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959802:8645
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651262-integratedphotonics_polling_time_110.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.050305843353271
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652128-afmxrd_external_rh_109.rrd --skip-past-updates --template External_RH 1727959802:5595
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652128-afmxrd_externaltemp_c_108.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959802:1701
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652128-afmxrd_externaltemp_f_107.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959802:6261
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652128-afmxrd_internaltemp_c_106.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959802:2468
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652128-afmxrd_internaltemp_f_105.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959802:7642
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652128-afmxrd_polling_time_104.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.021934986114502
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652127_external_rh_103.rrd --skip-past-updates --template External_RH 1727959802:1712
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652127_externaltemp_c_102.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959802:2000
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652127_externaltemp_f_101.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959802:6800
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652127_internaltemp_c_100.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959802:2600
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652127_internaltemp_f_99.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959802:7880
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652127_polling_time_98.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.051568031311035
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-gaasmbe_external_rh_97.rrd --skip-past-updates --template External_RH 1727959802:5753
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-gaasmbe_externaltemp_c_96.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959802:1767
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-gaasmbe_externaltemp_f_95.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959802:6380
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-gaasmbe_internaltemp_c_94.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959802:2712
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-gaasmbe_internaltemp_f_93.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959802:8081
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/652137-gaasmbe_polling_time_92.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.021014928817749
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651259_external_rh_91.rrd --skip-past-updates --template External_RH 1727959802:3812
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651259_externaltemp_c_90.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_C 1727959802:2145
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651259_externaltemp_f_89.rrd --skip-past-updates --template ExternalTemp_F 1727959802:7061
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651259_internaltemp_c_88.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_C 1727959802:2325
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651259_internaltemp_f_87.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959802:7385
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651259_polling_time_86.rrd --skip-past-updates --template polling_time 1727959802:0.024667024612427
2024-10-03 08:50:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] Processing Poller Output with 40000 maximum items to be processed
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] Time[0.04] Items[11] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] Writing 11 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Polling Time] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Polling Time] TT[0.42] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '19' polling_time, output: 0.03931999206543
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[7] RESPONSE:'0.03931999206543'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[7] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '19', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 9 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 9 Value] TT[1.88] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor9_C, oid: ., output: 6554
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 8 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 8 Value] TT[1.9] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor8_C, oid: ., output: 6554
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 7 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 7 Value] TT[1.94] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor7_C, oid: ., output: -2087
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 6 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 6 Value] TT[1.73] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor6_C, oid: ., output: 6554
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 5 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 5 Value] TT[1.87] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor5_C, oid: ., output: 539
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 10 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 10 Value] TT[1.74] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor10_C, oid: ., output: 6554
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 4 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 4 Value] TT[1.83] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor4_C, oid: ., output: -2200
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 3 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 3 Value] TT[1.7] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor3_C, oid: ., output: 427
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 2 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 2 Value] TT[1.82] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor2_C, oid: ., output: 464
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 1 Value] Graphs[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 1 Value] TT[1.89] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor1_C, oid: ., output: -7420
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[654/249 Sensaphone WSG30] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] Time[0.04] Items[11] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] Writing 11 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Polling Time] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Polling Time] TT[0.43] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '18' polling_time, output: 0.039490938186646
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[6] RESPONSE:'0.039490938186646'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[6] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '18', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 9 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 9 Value] TT[1.89] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor9_C, oid: ., output: 6554
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 8 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 8 Value] TT[1.88] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor8_C, oid: ., output: 6554
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 7 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 7 Value] TT[1.95] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor7_C, oid: ., output: 6554
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 6 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 6 Value] TT[1.93] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor6_C, oid: ., output: 1907
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 10 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 10 Value] TT[1.78] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor10_C, oid: ., output: 6554
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 5 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 5 Value] TT[1.86] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor5_C, oid: ., output: 343
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 4 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 4 Value] TT[1.8] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor4_C, oid: ., output: 1886
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 3 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 3 Value] TT[1.84] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor3_C, oid: ., output: -7138
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 2 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 2 Value] TT[1.84] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor2_C, oid: ., output: -1835
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] DS[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 1 Value] Graphs[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30 - Sensor 1 Value] TT[1.84] SNMP: v2:, dsname: Sensor1_C, oid: ., output: 1907
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[654/103 Sensaphone WSG30] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] Time[0.05] Items[6] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] Writing 6 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] DS[654/123 Structure - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[654/123 Structure - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.29] SNMP: v1:, dsname: External_RH, oid: ., output: 1880
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] DS[654/123 Structure - External Sensor °C] Graphs[654/123 Structure - External Sensor °C] TT[1.16] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 1882
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] DS[654/123 Structure - External Sensor °F] Graphs[654/123 Structure - External Sensor °F] TT[1.31] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 6587
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] DS[654/123 Structure - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[654/123 Structure - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.26] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2737
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] DS[654/123 Structure - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[654/123 Structure - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.2] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 8126
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[5] RESPONSE:'0.020238876342773'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] DS[654/123 Structure - Polling Time] Graphs[654/123 Structure - Polling Time] TT[0.34] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '12' polling_time, output: 0.020238876342773
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[5] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '12', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/123 Structure] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[654/123 Structure] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] Time[0.02] Items[6] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] Writing 6 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] DS[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.12] SNMP: v1:, dsname: External_RH, oid: ., output: 4767
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] DS[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - External Sensor °C] Graphs[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - External Sensor °C] TT[1.19] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2002
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] DS[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - External Sensor °F] Graphs[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - External Sensor °F] TT[1.3] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 6803
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] DS[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.35] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 3025
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] DS[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.28] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 8645
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[4] RESPONSE:'0.050305843353271'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] DS[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - Polling Time] Graphs[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics - Polling Time] TT[0.33] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '11' polling_time, output: 0.050305843353271
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[4] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '11', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[651/262-IntegratedPhotonics] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] Time[0.05] Items[6] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] Writing 6 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] DS[654/152 Surface - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[654/152 Surface - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.38] SNMP: v1:, dsname: External_RH, oid: ., output: 5595
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] DS[654/152 Surface - External Sensor °C] Graphs[654/152 Surface - External Sensor °C] TT[1.32] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 1701
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] DS[654/152 Surface - External Sensor °F] Graphs[654/152 Surface - External Sensor °F] TT[1.71] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 6261
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] DS[654/152 Surface - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[654/152 Surface - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.22] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2468
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] DS[654/152 Surface - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[654/152 Surface - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.44] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 7642
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[3] RESPONSE:'0.021934986114502'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] DS[654/152 Surface - Polling Time] Graphs[654/152 Surface - Polling Time] TT[0.38] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '10' polling_time, output: 0.021934986114502
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[3] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '10', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/152 Surface] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[654/152 Surface] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] Time[0.02] Items[6] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] Writing 6 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] DS[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.32] SNMP: v1:, dsname: External_RH, oid: ., output: 1712
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] DS[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - External Sensor °C] Graphs[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - External Sensor °C] TT[1.4] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2000
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] DS[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - External Sensor °F] Graphs[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - External Sensor °F] TT[1.41] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 6800
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] DS[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.45] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2600
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Time: 0.2050 s, Poller: 1, Threads: N/A, Devices: 1, Items: 6, Errors: 0
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] DS[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.25] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 7880
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] DS[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - Polling Time] Graphs[651/234-QuantumMagnetics - Polling Time] TT[2.34] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '9' polling_time, output: 0.051568031311035
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[2] RESPONSE:'0.051568031311035'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[2] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '9', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] Time[0.02] Items[6] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] Writing 6 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] DS[654/CleanRoom - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[654/CleanRoom - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.27] SNMP: v1:, dsname: External_RH, oid: ., output: 4290
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] DS[654/CleanRoom - External Sensor °C] Graphs[654/CleanRoom - External Sensor °C] TT[1.11] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 1761
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] DS[654/CleanRoom - External Sensor °F] Graphs[654/CleanRoom - External Sensor °F] TT[1.25] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 6369
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] DS[654/CleanRoom - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[654/CleanRoom - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.14] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 650
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] DS[654/CleanRoom - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[654/CleanRoom - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.31] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 4370
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142483] CTR[0] RESPONSE:'0.021849870681763'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] DS[654/CleanRoom - Polling Time] Graphs[654/CleanRoom - Polling Time] TT[0.79] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '36' polling_time, output: 0.021849870681763
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142483] CTR[0] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '36', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[651/234-QuantumMagnetics] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] Time[0.05] Items[6] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] Writing 6 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] DS[654/121 MBE - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[654/121 MBE - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.19] SNMP: v1:, dsname: External_RH, oid: ., output: 5753
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] DS[654/121 MBE - External Sensor °C] Graphs[654/121 MBE - External Sensor °C] TT[1.45] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 1767
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] DS[654/121 MBE - External Sensor °F] Graphs[654/121 MBE - External Sensor °F] TT[1.44] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 6380
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] DS[654/121 MBE - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[654/121 MBE - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.32] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2712
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] DS[654/121 MBE - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[654/121 MBE - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.37] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 8081
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Device[654/CleanRoom] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[654/CleanRoom] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] DS[654/121 MBE - Polling Time] Graphs[654/121 MBE - Polling Time] TT[0.5] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '8' polling_time, output: 0.021014928817749
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[1] RESPONSE:'0.021014928817749'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[1] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '8', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] PHP Script Server Started Properly
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR PHP Script Server has Started - Parent is cmd
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: FILENM: /usr/share/cacti/script_server.php
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: SERVER: cmd PARENT: 142480
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: DIRNAM: /usr/share/cacti
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: GETCWD: /usr/share/cacti
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[654/121 MBE] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[654/121 MBE] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] Time[0.06] Items[6] Errors[0]
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] Writing 6 items to Poller Output Table
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] DS[651/259-PVDLab - External Sensor RH%] Graphs[651/259-PVDLab - External Sensor RH%] TT[1.34] SNMP: v1:, dsname: External_RH, oid: ., output: 3812
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] DS[651/259-PVDLab - External Sensor °C] Graphs[651/259-PVDLab - External Sensor °C] TT[1.4] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2145
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] DS[651/259-PVDLab - External Sensor °F] Graphs[651/259-PVDLab - External Sensor °F] TT[1.46] SNMP: v1:, dsname: ExternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 7061
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] DS[651/259-PVDLab - Internal Sensor °C] Graphs[651/259-PVDLab - Internal Sensor °C] TT[1.41] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_C, oid: ., output: 2325
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] DS[651/259-PVDLab - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[651/259-PVDLab - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.27] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: 7385
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[0] RESPONSE:'0.024667024612427'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] DS[651/259-PVDLab - Polling Time] Graphs[651/259-PVDLab - Polling Time] TT[0.73] SERVER: /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '7' polling_time, output: 0.024667024612427
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: PID[142481] CTR[0] INC: 'ss_hstats.php' FUNC: 'ss_hstats' PARMS: '7', 'polling_time'
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/259-PVDLab] STATUS: Device '' is UP.
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PING Device[651/259-PVDLab] SNMP: Device responded to SNMP
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] PHP Script Server Started Properly
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR PHP Script Server has Started - Parent is cmd
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: FILENM: /usr/share/cacti/script_server.php
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: SERVER: cmd PARENT: 142478
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: DIRNAM: /usr/share/cacti
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - PHPSVR DEBUG: GETCWD: /usr/share/cacti
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142480] Forcing poller to
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] Processing Poller Output with 40000 maximum items to be processed
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Forcing poller to
2024-10-03 08:50:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q '/usr/share/cacti/cmd.php' --poller=1 --first=36 --last=36 --mibs]
2024-10-03 08:50:01 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q '/usr/share/cacti/cmd.php' --poller=1 --first=0 --last=34 --mibs]
2024-10-03 08:50:01 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] NOTE: Poller Int: '300', Cron Int: '300', Time Since Last: '300.94', Max Runtime '298', Poller Runs: '1'
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
Code: Select all
Data Source Debug
/usr/bin/rrdtool create \
/usr/share/cacti/rra/654cleanroom_externaltemp_c_320.rrd \
--start 0 --step 300 \
DS:ExternalTemp_C:GAUGE:60:U:U \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:8650 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:12960 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:8640 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:1095 \
RRA:MIN:0.5:1:8650 \
RRA:MIN:0.5:2:12960 \
RRA:MIN:0.5:12:8640 \
RRA:MIN:0.5:288:1095 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:1:8650 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:2:12960 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:12:8640 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:288:1095 \
RRA:LAST:0.5:1:8650 \
RRA:LAST:0.5:2:12960 \
RRA:LAST:0.5:12:8640 \
RRA:LAST:0.5:288:1095 \
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
I see problem with
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651192-flatoptics_internaltemp_f_291.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959804:U
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] DS[651/192-FlatOptics - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[651/192-FlatOptics - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.45] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: U
So check again snmpwalk/snmpget oid .
2024-10-03 08:50:05 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142476] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool update /usr/share/cacti/rra/651192-flatoptics_internaltemp_f_291.rrd --skip-past-updates --template InternalTemp_F 1727959804:U
2024-10-03 08:50:04 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[142478] Device[651/192-FlatOptics] DS[651/192-FlatOptics - Internal Sensor °F] Graphs[651/192-FlatOptics - Internal Sensor °F] TT[1.45] SNMP: v1:, dsname: InternalTemp_F, oid: ., output: U
So check again snmpwalk/snmpget oid .
Let the Cacti grow!
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that the sensor I'm concerned with is the 654cleanroom External Sensor C.
Code: Select all
snmpwalk -t 10 .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.20916. = INTEGER: 1809
snmpget -t 10 .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.20916. = INTEGER: 1811
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
try console -> Troubleshooting -> Data sources -> check your problematic DS
Let the Cacti grow!
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
Completed and ran clean. Graph is still empty.
- Attachments
- Screenshot from 2024-10-07 09-17-41.png (128.77 KiB) Viewed 939 times
- Screenshot from 2024-10-07 09-17-13.png (145.85 KiB) Viewed 939 times
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
check Templates -> data source -> your_data_source -> data source item -> maximum Value. Is here number or U?
Let the Cacti grow!
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
Maximum value is set to "U". Another device we have is of the same type, it uses the same templates, and it works as expected. This is such a strange problem...
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
I did that before I posted here.
Thank you for your assistance. I might just burn the whole thing to the ground and start from scratch. I went through everything you suggested before I posted here so it must be something deep in the weeds. I'll keep plugging away and if I get it working, I'll post the solution here.
Thank you for your assistance. I might just burn the whole thing to the ground and start from scratch. I went through everything you suggested before I posted here so it must be something deep in the weeds. I'll keep plugging away and if I get it working, I'll post the solution here.
Re: AVTECH RoomAlert 3E one sensor rrd all -nan
Last thing - console -> configuration -> settings -> Data tab -> RRDfile check enable
Result will be utilities -> rrdfile checker
Result will be utilities -> rrdfile checker
Let the Cacti grow!
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