Downloaded CactiEZ-1.2.27-Rocky-9-4.iso on 8/2/2024.
Setup ESXi 8 VM, selecting Rocky Linux settings.
On boot with the ISO, it starts up, but then goes into a long error loop in the Dracut-initqueue:
After a few minutes, it exits to the emergency shell.dracut-initqueue: timeout, still waiting for following initqueue hooks:
/lib/dracut/hooks/initqueu/finished/devexists-\x2fdev\ "[ -e "/dev/root" ]"
/lib/dracut/hooks/initqueue/finished/ "[ "$main_loop" -ge "10" ]"
/lib/dracut/hooks/initqueue/finished/ "[ -f /tmp/settle.don ]"
dracut-initqueue: starting timeout scripts
##### Anaconda installer erros begin ######
It seems that the boot has failed. Possible causes include
missing inst.stage2 or inst.rep boot parameters on the
kernel cmdline. Please verify that you have specified
inst.stage2 or inst.rep.
Please also note that the 'ins.' prefix is now mandator.
### Installer Errors encountered during boot: ###
Reason Unknown
It does this with both the plain "install" and "test and install" boot options. Looking for advice on what I might have done wrong?