Hi Gurus,
May I know what I did wrong or what could I be missing. I tried to update our Cacti from 1.2.23 to 1.2.24 or 1.2.25, however i got the same results that the graph are not updating even though the logs shows that it was able to snmp to the devices and got a valid results.
Here's the upgrade procedure that I have done
#mv /var/www/html/cacti /var/www/html/cacti_bak
#cp cacti-1.2.24 /var/www/html/cacti
#chown apache:apache /var/www/html/cacti
#cp /var/www/html/cacti_bak/include/config.php /var/www/html/cacti/include/config.php
#cp /var/www/html/cacti_bak/rra/* /var/www/html/cacti/rra/
Then proceed with web ui upgrade procedure.
[SOLVED] Graphs not working after updating from 1.2.23 to 1.2.24 or 1.2.25
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Re: Graphs not working after updating from 1.2.23 to 1.2.24 or 1.2.25
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/cacti
ls -ald /var/www/html/cacti/rra/
ls -al /var/www/html/cacti/rra/ | head
ls -ald /var/www/html/cacti/rra/
ls -al /var/www/html/cacti/rra/ | head
Let the Cacti grow!
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