Unable to plot a graph

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Unable to plot a graph

Post by walelade »

Hi Guys,

its my first time using Cacti and I am so loving the tool However, I have ran into some issues while trying to add cisco routers for monitoring.

The routers were successfully added. However the device status got stuck in "Unknown". In addition, no graph has been plotted. it shows : failed to open data file or poller may not have run " and the ( name of file. rra:root folder)

I have tried doing debugging with no luck

from the toubleshoot:
traffic In: For attribute 'error', issue found 'DS 'traffic_in' missing in RRDfile'
traffic_out: For attribute 'error', issue found 'DS 'traffic_out' missing in RRDfile'

In addition, the .rra file isnt getting created for some reasons.

I am not sure what's going on but I saw at the top left hand corner that snmp info is right and successfully connected.

Any help regarding this will be appreciated.

Thank you
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Re: Unable to plot a graph

Post by macan »

Try to run poller manually with --debug and show result.
You can enable debug for specific device -> management->devices->choose one -> top right corner (enable device debug)
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Re: Unable to plot a graph

Post by walelade »


Thank you for the reply.

status writable exists active rrd match valid Data RRD Updated Issues
loading green mark Red X Green check mark Red X Loading Loading N/A

I have attached a pic of the above.
Re-added a new router-LOG.png
Re-added a new router-LOG.png (132.11 KiB) Viewed 677 times
While debugging I see issues found! Waiting on RRDFile update which never gets updated as

Added a new cisco router for another test and got the below in log:
Log of the newly added router
Log of the newly added router
Screenshot 2023-04-18 083440.png (31.1 KiB) Viewed 677 times
I also did a bit of graph debugging and got the below

RRDtool Command:
/usr/bin/rrdtool graph - \
--imgformat=SVG \
--start='-86400' \
--end='-300' \
--pango-markup \
--title='DCCORE-1-1 - Traffic - Ethernet1/6/436210176' \
--vertical-label='bits per second' \
--slope-mode \
--base=1000 \
--height=200 \
--width=700 \
--rigid \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit='0' \
COMMENT:"From 2023/04/17 08\:09\:23 To 2023/04/18 08\:04\:23\c" \
COMMENT:" \n" \
--color BACK#F3F3F3 \
--color SHADEB#999999 \
--color FONT#000000 \
--color AXIS#2C4D43 \
--color ARROW#2C4D43 \
--color FRAME#2C4D43 \
--border 1 \
--font TITLE:11:'Arial' \
--font AXIS:8:'Arial' \
--font LEGEND:8:'Courier' \
--font UNIT:8:'Arial' \
--font WATERMARK:6:'Arial' \
--slope-mode \
--watermark 'Generated by Cacti®' \
DEF:a='/var/www/html/cacti/rra/dccore-1-1_traffic_in_1281.rrd':'traffic_in':AVERAGE \
DEF:b='/var/www/html/cacti/rra/dccore-1-1_traffic_in_1281.rrd':'traffic_out':AVERAGE \
CDEF:cdefa='a,8,*' \
CDEF:cdefg='b,-8,*' \
CDEF:cdefh='b,8,*' \
CDEF:cdefbc='a,UN,INF,UNKN,IF' \
AREA:cdefa#00FF0019: \
LINE1:cdefa#00CF00FF: \
AREA:cdefa#00CF007F:'Inbound ' \
GPRINT:cdefa:LAST:'Current\:%8.2lf %s' \
GPRINT:cdefa:AVERAGE:'Average\:%8.2lf %s' \
GPRINT:cdefa:MAX:'Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n' \
AREA:cdefg#4444FF19: \
LINE1:cdefh#002A97FF: \
AREA:cdefh#002A977F:'Outbound' \
GPRINT:cdefh:LAST:'Current\:%8.2lf %s' \
GPRINT:cdefh:AVERAGE:'Average\:%8.2lf %s' \
GPRINT:cdefh:MAX:'Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n' \
RRDtool Command lengths = 1430 characters.
RRDtool Says:
ERROR: opening '/var/www/html/cacti/rra/dccore-1-1_traffic_in_1281.rrd': No such file or directory

Kindly let me know what I should be looking at to resolve this issue.

Thank you all for the support!
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Re: Unable to plot a graph

Post by macan »

first line of your posted log - you have problem with poller. Poller does not complete its activity on time.

Disable poller in cron, wait few minuted, kill all poller process and run
php /path/to/cacti/poller.php --debug

and show result
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Re: Unable to plot a graph

Post by walelade »

Thanks for the reply again.

I did follow your directions and here is the error I ran into after running php /var/www/htl/cacti/poller.php --debug

Error: " system log file is not available for writing, please enable write access "

Kindly suggest what the next step to resolving this issue.

Thanks again!
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Re: Unable to plot a graph

Post by macan »

you have to run poller with correct user. This user must have permission for writing to cacti log file
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Re: Unable to plot a graph

Post by walelade »

I was able to run the poller without any error but the graph isnt still plotting and rra file is not being created.

Here is the other error I ran into when I tried to readd the router
error.png (41.16 KiB) Viewed 638 times
error in log.png
error in log.png (158.42 KiB) Viewed 638 times
not existing file:
ERROR: opening '/var/www/html/cacti/rra/dccore_traffic_in_1319.rrd': No such file or directory

after trying to manually create the file inside the rra directory I ran into the below error

ERROR: mmaping file '/var/www/html/cacti/rra/dccore_traffic_in_1319.rrd': Invalid argument .

The old graphs are still running but it just wont create a new graph.

Any info on how to resolve this will be appreciated.

Thank you again!
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Re: Unable to plot a graph

Post by walelade »

I figured I should add this error as well.

I tried to readd a new device with debugging turned on and I saw this in the log
cacti-error.png (153.83 KiB) Viewed 637 times
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