95th variables and my data

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95th variables and my data

Post by mpahlevanzadeh »

According to HRULE and print 95th I used such as attached pictures. I think my numbers of 95th is not true. How numbers I use in || for true number ? also which functions? total or max or etc.
2 first lines are according to cacti template itself. But after line 2 are wrote by me.
Berfore any help, thank you for any help.
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Screenshot from 2023-03-24 10-57-08.png (29.24 KiB) Viewed 251 times
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Re: 95th variables and my data

Post by jkmoseley »

To help you understand what each of the variables are in the Value section of the graph:

https://fossies.org/linux/www/cacti-1.2 ... s.html?m=m

From what I see, your creations are correct. But what I also notice is that your 95th% in, out, and total numbers are configured to be in megabits per second where everything else is in kilobits per second. Also keep in mind that there are quite a few different ways to 'total' your data as per the documentation in the link I referenced above.

Also, please note that 95th percentile bandwidth can be drastically lower or higher than your average bandwidth. Just depends...
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