Facing issue with cacti Monitoring Plugin

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Facing issue with cacti Monitoring Plugin

Post by shamimbdren »

All host in the cacti monitoring looks messy. I mean, I have arranged all the hosts according to the template but when the page refreshed or i click the monitoring tab, all the host's fonts change, the host's image becomes large. I have attached some image for better understanding. The first image shows, when it is okay and the second image shows, when the page refreshed. I want it will always looks same as the first image.

My cacti version is 1.2.15
OS version: CentOS 7
Monitor Plugin version 2.5
RRDtool version 1.4.8

Please help me out to solve this issue. Thanks in advance.
1st image, when everything is fine.
1st image, when everything is fine.
1st image Cacti Monitoring.JPG (176.13 KiB) Viewed 7061 times
2nd image after refreshing the page.
2nd image after refreshing the page.
2nd image Cacti Monitoring.JPG (147.6 KiB) Viewed 7061 times
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Re: Facing issue with cacti Monitoring Plugin

Post by shamimbdren »

The mentioned issue has not been solved yet. I am getting the following error.
2022-09-03 23:01:18 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace: (/plugins/monitor/monitor.php[161]:draw_page(), /plugins/monitor/monitor.php[278]:CactiErrorHandler())
2022-09-03 23:01:18 - ERROR PHP NOTICE in Plugin 'monitor': Undefined offset: 2 in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/monitor/monitor.php on line: 278
2022-09-03 23:01:14 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace: (/plugins/monitor/monitor.php[161]:draw_page(), /plugins/monitor/monitor.php[278]:CactiErrorHandler())
2022-09-03 23:01:14 - ERROR PHP NOTICE in Plugin 'monitor': Undefined offset: 2 in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/monitor/monitor.php on line: 278
2022-09-03 23:01:11 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace: (/plugins/monitor/monitor.php[161]:draw_page(), /plugins/monitor/monitor.php[278]:CactiErrorHandler())
2022-09-03 23:01:11 - ERROR PHP NOTICE in Plugin 'monitor': Undefined offset: 2 in file: /usr/share/cacti/plugins/monitor/monitor.php on line: 278
Need help....
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Re: Facing issue with cacti Monitoring Plugin

Post by TheWitness »

Update monitor to the latest develop version and this issue will be solved.
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Re: Facing issue with cacti Monitoring Plugin

Post by shamimbdren »

Issue resolved.
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