Migration cacti from one server to another with CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace and not graphing

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Migration cacti from one server to another with CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace and not graphing

Post by Astra312 »

So I have installed new cacti (1.2.19, centos 7, php v7.1.33 and php v5.6 with fpm, rrdtool 1.7.1, poller spine). Copied old rrd files to new server with plugins. Cacti shows old data on graphs, but not recording new (nan) and data source troubleshooting not working too (endless loading). Also I observe this error in log:

2022-02-23 08:54:52 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace: (/graph_json.php[32]:include(), /include/auth.php[28]:require_once(), /include/global.php[553]:cacti_time_zone_set(), /lib/functions.php[6588]:timezone_name_from_abbr(), CactiErrorHandler())
2022-02-23 08:54:52 - ERROR PHP NOTICE: A non well formed numeric value encountered in file: /usr/share/cacti/lib/functions.php on line: 6588

Debug of graphs:
RRDtool Command:
/usr/bin/rrdtool graph -
--title='jet-colossus-1001864 - Traffic - Fa0/1'
--vertical-label='bits per second'
--tabwidth '30'
COMMENT:"From 2022-02-22 10:31:25 To 2022-02-23 10:26:25\c"
--color BACK#F3F3F3
--color SHADEB#999999
--color FONT#000000
--color AXIS#2C4D43
--color ARROW#2C4D43
--color FRAME#2C4D43
--border 1 --font TITLE:11:'Arial'
--font AXIS:8:'Arial'
--font LEGEND:8:'Courier'
--font UNIT:8:'Arial'
--font WATERMARK:6:'Arial'
--watermark 'Generated by Cacti®'
AREA:cdefa#00CF00FF:'Inbound '
GPRINT:cdefa:LAST:'Current:%8.2lf %s'
GPRINT:cdefa:AVERAGE:'Average:%8.2lf %s'
GPRINT:cdefa:MAX:'Maximum:%8.2lf %s\n'
GPRINT:cdefe:LAST:'Current:%8.2lf %s'
GPRINT:cdefe:AVERAGE:'Average:%8.2lf %s'
GPRINT:cdefe:MAX:'Maximum:%8.2lf %s'
RRDtool Command lengths = 1286 charaters.
RRDtool Says:

Data Source Debug:
/usr/bin/rrdtool create
--start 0 --step 300
RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797 \
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Re: Migration cacti from one server to another with CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace and not graphing

Post by Astra312 »

Timezone error fixed. But now I observe this error when trying to troubleshooting datasource:
2022-02-24 03:11:46 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace: (/data_debug.php[25]:include_once(), /include/auth.php[177]:require_once(), /auth_login.php[915]:include_once(), /include/global_session.php[111]:CactiErrorHandler())
2022-02-24 03:11:46 - ERROR PHP NOTICE: Undefined index: REQUEST_URI in file: /usr/share/cacti/include/global_session.php on line: 111

And graphs still Nan. I will be glad for any help.
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Re: Migration cacti from one server to another with CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace and not graphing

Post by Astra312 »

Well, after two days of investigation i solved the problem, i don't know how but it works.
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Re: Migration cacti from one server to another with CMDPHP WARNING and not graphing

Post by aloy »

I have installed and configured Cacti 1.2.23 on Centos 8 Stream. Everything was ok and working. But after migration cacti from 0.8.8b to 1.2.23 graph Cacti shows old data on graphs, but not recording new data and graph. I have followed the following procedure https://www.xmodulo.com/migrate-cacti-server.html

Graphs is still Nan. The log has given below. Your cooperation is highly appreciated in this regard.

Best Regards!
Aloy Kumar Das
February 09, 2023

Log Message:
2023-02-09 14:35:02 - CMDPHP WARNING: cmd.php poller has run over its polling interval and therefore is ending
2023-02-09 14:35:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] PID[15891] WARNING: There are 1 processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle, please investigate
2023-02-09 14:35:01 - SNMPAGENT WARNING: No notification receivers configured for event: cactiNotifyDeviceDown (CACTI-MIB), severity: high
2023-02-09 14:35:01 - SNMPAGENT WARNING: No notification receivers configured for event: cactiNotifyDeviceDown (CACTI-MIB), severity: high
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Re: Migration cacti from one server to another with CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace and not graphing

Post by TheWitness »

Use spine instead of cmd.php. it's much more scalable.
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