Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by nicolatron »

Upgraded a test server with cacti 1.2.21 to 1.2.23) with debian 11.
mariadb 15.1 Distrib 10.5.18-MariaDB
PHP 7.4.33
Removed plugin directory and installed from git (yesterday 22 from
Then I moved some of my configs on the production machine. I'm getting warnings, becouse the config refers to files not existing on the test server, but that is correct.
Everything seems to be working fine.

I don't know what I did on my test server (looks like somehow I test phalek plugin and not this official one). But I installed your new plugin in production (was using phalek's plugin) and it is different and has issues. Will comment on github.
Last edited by nicolatron on Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by GGA »

Installed it today on our Ubuntu 22.04LTS server with Cacti 1.2.22.
I just had to install php8.1-intl to make this plugin up and running.
mariadb-server is 10.6.7
It needs a bit tuning to find the prefered hover image size and it is sometimes a bit fiddly to select the wished datasource for graphs or links.
But I love it so much to see weathermap again on our new cacti.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by TheWitness »

GGA wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:32 am Installed it today on our Ubuntu 22.04LTS server with Cacti 1.2.22.
I just had to install php8.1-intl to make this plugin up and running.
mariadb-server is 10.6.7
It needs a bit tuning to find the prefered hover image size and it is sometimes a bit fiddly to select the wished datasource for graphs or links.
But I love it so much to see weathermap again on our new cacti.
Glad it's working out.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by TheWitness »

Note to anybody testing beta1 or beta2. Please ensure that you log bugs in GitHub. Logging here will highlight the issue, but since this is a beta, even if you are not sure of the issue, please log in GitHub
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by genkuzya »

Hello everybody!
A few days ago I installed a new version of Cacti (version 1.2.24) and started testing Weathermap. (version 1.0 - Beta 2).
I could not find a link to create a new config file by the way. On the Management Console, managing Weathermap and duplicating existing (pre-installed config file) gave me an error for "debug" field in a database table. I did a search and I think I found the reason. In the file "weathermap-cacti-plugin-mgmt.php" I commented out line 1410. I think it tries to write on the field on a table, which is not there actually. Maybe I did something wrong, but I wanted you guys to know about this, as you are testing also.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by nicolatron »

I was having an issue for many months, and I never thought it was related to weathermap plugin, but seems to be.

Problem is when I activate a collector server (with no collectors or all disabled there is no problem). The time to load any graphic went from aprox. 0.25 seconds to 1.5 seconds. That's very noticeable, when searching for something weird and loading pages with 100 graphics (happends also with thumbnails).
With this official weathermap plugin version that is not happening.
Giving the existing problems, I reverted to phalek/thurban version and the longer time loading problem is back, that's what lead me to think it's realated to weathermap plugin, I may be wrong tho, and may be some particular misconfiguration on my part.

My firsts post in which I said I did "tests" and said "everything is good", i don't know what the heck I did, I, but I think I ended up installing phalek's version again, then I Installed the new version in production and saw the differetences, so I revert for now. Very promising tho.

I'm in the process to setup a working test server to illustrate clearly the problems I see in the beta, will post it in github.

Thank you all working on this and phalek/thurban, Howie... you make life better for some nerds, and we don't say it enought (of couse ffs we are nerds!).
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by TheWitness »

beta3 should be out over the weekend.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by glamas »

I see the following legend when I want to access https://ip/cacti/plugins/weathermap/wea ... n-mgmt.php

With beta 2

Try to change your permissions but there were no changes
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by nicolatron »

glamas wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:13 am I see the following legend when I want to access https://ip/cacti/plugins/weathermap/wea ... n-mgmt.php

With beta 2

Try to change your permissions but there were no changes
In case your handling your permission using a group (ie:admin) do it for the specific user you are using, I known at least in the case of the old plugin it didn't check group permissions correctly but individual ones. So I have all user permission set that way.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by TheWitness »

Note if anyone wants a preview of beta3, you can find it in my personal Weathermap repo. Just have one image size issue to fix unless something new comes in over the weekend.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by glamas »

Hello Attachment Permissions
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by TheWitness »

What about on the Weathermap Management Page?
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by TheWitness »

All those watching this thread. The changes for Beta3 are not merged into the Cacti Repo. Please download and test. If I don't get any more bugs in the next week, I'll be tagging this release.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by nicolatron »

glamas wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:41 pm Hello Attachment Permissions
It seems you're missing the specific weathermap permissions, maybe you don't have the plugin correctly installed or activated.
After you've copied the plugin to cacti's plugin directory you need to:
1 install it
2 enable it
Using the icons on the Actions column, on Configuration->Plugins menu.
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Re: Official Weathermaps 1.0 for Cacti - Looking for beta testers

Post by mduling »

Thanks very much for your work on this!

I just installed Cacti 1.2.24 on a fresh Ubuntu, migrated my DB from another box, and installed weathermap development version from git. My most important weathermaps seem to be working well. I've noticed some bugs that I can report on git, but I'm not very savvy and not sure what all to include on bug report.

First, not a bug but says "The location of backgrounds and object images has changed!" but it looks the same to me: 'cacti/plugins/images' and my images are correctly being pulled. Am I missing something?
EDIT: Ah, I see weathermap at runtime is trying to put backgrounds into 'cacti/plugins/images/backgrounds'. I moved them and the errors disappeared.

- The major bug I see is that there are 2 weathermaps that as soon as I add them with weatherman + dialog get turned into blank files. Actually, one has 1 remaining line 'ICON images/Router.png'. These weathermaps had the same background image, but I tried commenting that out but still every time I add them they turn into empty files immediately after that.
EDIT: After copying backgrounds to where it wanted, now another 2 weathermap files got zeroed out.

-There seems to be a bug with Safari browser where the Weathermaps item doesn't show under Management. I can get there by manually going to cacti/plugins/weathermap/weathermap-cacti-plugin-mgmt.php. On Firefox there is no issue.

Update: I made the files read-only and now all my weathermaps migrated from 0.9 are up. I'm not sure what is emptying the files, but for now I just edit manually using sudo.
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