MIMOSA Template

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MIMOSA Template

Post by mac86 »


I want to share a simple Template for Mimosa networks.
I've tested on Mimosa C5c, however I think will work on any Mimosa device,
because all mimosa B and C products have same MIB file

I will upgrade this file, but I'm still learning Cacti.

Just import XML template file, and select "mimosa graphs" on
"Associated Graph Templates" (devices)

Code: Select all

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opinions and suggestions are welcome...! :wink:
Mikrotik & Ubiquiti & Mimosa - Consultant from 1999
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Re: MIMOSA Template

Post by robotech »

Way Cool Template!

I had to modify the template to have one set for Client radios and one set for AP's and for like B24's and such - ( I copied the device template out)

So, like my CPE's get the following graphs made automatically:
0) Mimosa - CPE Device - Signal Level
1) Mimosa - CPE Device EVM RX
2) Mimosa - CPE Device MAC RX Rates
3) Mimosa - CPE Device MAC TX Rates
4) Mimosa - CPE Device Packet Error Rate
5) Mimosa - CPE Device PHY RX Rates
6) Mimosa - CPE Device PHY TX Rates
7) Mimosa - CPE Device RX Chains: RSSI
8) Mimosa - CPE Device RX SNR Values
9) Mimosa - CPE Device Uptime-NEW
10) Unix - Load Average
11) Unix - Ping Latency

I then have to go in and graph the individual interface's: eth1_emac1 and wifi0
I make a 95th percentile (32 bit) and errors / discards graph (s)
Just need to figure out how to order them upon creation ( I have to order them on the tree - I can not seem to drag them and have a default order)

Then for AP's and B24's I make the following automatically:
0) Device - Uptime
1) Mimosa - Device EVM RX
2) Mimosa - Device MAC RX Rates
3) Mimosa - Device MAC TX Rates
4) Mimosa - Device Packet Error Rate
5) Mimosa - Device PHY RX Rates
6) Mimosa - Device PHY TX Rates
7) Mimosa - Device RX RSSI
8) Mimosa - Device RX SNR Values
9) Mimosa - Device Satellites
Then the eth1_emac1 and wifi0 interfaces manually.

Any ideas on A5x's and the now present IPv6 interfaces even if you set it to only be IPv4? Catcti seems to prefer showing you IPv6 interfaces.

I have not modified it to have clients shown / connected - but that would be nice too!
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