Graph needs to pass unique value to Data Input Method

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Graph needs to pass unique value to Data Input Method

Post by Katoomba »

I want to provide a "Data Input Method" with data that will be presented on the command line for the executing script. Normally, this would be done by setting "Input Fields" in the "Data Input Method" and using special tags in the "Input Fields" such as |host_hostname| or |host_description| etc. However, those tags are coming from the host templates. Whereas I am using graph templates. I've searched for any tags that could be passed from a graph to a data input method. But it looks like it isn't possible at all or it isn't documented.

To summarize, I want to pass a unique value (say, IP address and port number) to the script that executes in a Data Input method and that unique data is sourced from a variable that is setup in each graph.

Is this possible? If yes, then how?

Many thanks,

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Re: Graph needs to pass unique value to Data Input Method

Post by Katoomba »

It turns out that it is possible to create a graph that takes unique user input that is fed back to command line arguments of the script inside of the input data method. The trick was to go to the Data Source and to enable the Custom Data (where the Input Data Source input fields are listed) check box that allows the value on the right to be overridden by the user at data source creation. If you don't override the custom data field then you never get a chance, during graph creation, to set the value of the custom data field. And that means that the default data is sent back to the script instead by default.

I hope this helps someone else one day because it took me forever to figure it out.
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