Note to the Cacti Community

Important information about Cacti developments that all users should be interested in.

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Note to the Cacti Community

Post by TheWitness »


We will be releasing Cacti 1.2.16 shortly. This Cacti version is the 67th release of the Cacti 1.x major release branch, and 67 releases in less than 3 years! For nearly a decade, I thought Cacti would never reach 1.0, which I always intended would be a milestone release for Cacti. But now with over 67 Cacti 1.x releases behind us and the introduction of well over 300 features, and in that same time resolving over 2500 GitHub issues I think we may have arrived there, and what a ride it's been.

The current development has reached a point where we only have 16 miscellaneous bugs to be fixed in pipeline, and over 170 features that have been requested that are outstanding. It's quickly going to become more of a problem of which feature to tackle first vs. continually stamping out bugs. I guess that's a good problem to have though.

The last 3 years of releases, and 5 years of development are a testament that Open Source projects can remain active for greater than 10 years as Cacti approaches its 18th!

I would like to thank the Cacti Community for their support over those last 5 years. We've had a continual stream of support from not only the broader community of users, but from major Linux distributions as well. You guys know who you are, and we appreciate the bug hunting, security exploit testing, pull requests, and at times testy dialog which through the problem resolution process offered by GitHub continue to make Cacti a stronger and stronger Open Source offering.

Now, with respect to this 1.2.16 release, we've moved quickly due to a major issue that were accidentally introduced while introducing a minor enhancement to increase the speed of saving a Device. If you do not have multiple Data Collectors, you likely would not have experienced this issue, but for those of you who do have them, it was a major issue.

So, we are happy to release this 67th, version of Cacti, and hope you enjoy it as well, and until the next release, don't forget to contribute back when and where you can.

On a more personal note, I've been at this since 2002, and that's a long time. Before I started, I had most of my hair, and it was pretty much all brown. Now, it's mostly grey, my kids are grown up, out of college, and will shortly be heading out on their own. I hope to continue contributing back to Cacti for years to come. I guess time will only tell. As many of you know, Cacti was my hobby for many years that sort of accidentally turned into a career for me. That career's had it's ups and downs, and I'm glad to have been able to do my little part for the world of internet monitoring through them. Finally, if you are reading this, thanks for listening :)


True understanding begins only when we realize how little we truly understand...

Life is an adventure, let yours begin with Cacti!

Author of dozens of Cacti plugins and customization's. Advocate of LAMP, MariaDB, IBM Spectrum LSF and the world of batch. Creator of IBM Spectrum RTM, author of quite a bit of unpublished work and most of Cacti's bugs.
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Interesting Device Packages

For those wondering, I'm still here, but lost in the shadows. Yearning for less bugs. Who want's a Cacti 1.3/2.0? Streams anyone?
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by bmfmancini »

Thank you for everything Larry Cacti is an amazing tool that has stood the test of time!
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by ggdagg »

Thank you for everything!
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by Rno »

Glad you where here (other too of curse), thank you for your job.

I love that product and glad it's an open source product and I can make my own tools.
Can't find comercial product do the job like it, including personalisation

Keep going man
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by JorisFRST »

Thank you very much for your support over the years, and of course also the other developers.

Myself a long time user of cacti and have introduced it again at my new job.

Keep up the good work guys, I love the progress that's been made over the years.
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by Achea9 »

Hey, Thanks a Lot for your Great JOB. Cacti ======= COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL;-)
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by phalek »

Many thanks.

It was indeed a fun ride the past 18 years since I first implemented an adapted Cacti system within IBM for commercial monitoring client network performance in 2002/2003 ( Version 0.6(!) back then ...)

Coming from a MRTG based environment, after first contact with Cacti I never was able to mave away from it afterwards.

Looking forward for the upcoming years !
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by Beast »

Many thanks to you and all the team and collaborators!
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by Gluntzmaster »

I'm a bit late to to party, but like to add my kudo's
It must have been around that time, 2002/2003 when I moved from MRTG to Cacti. Also the time when I ditched Windows for Linux (Slackware)
Those were the days that you would compile your kernel yourself, and install apps from sourcecode..
And, I wasn't a grandpa back then..

I've had times where I would run it for business (keeping a ch-14 company afloat) monitoring a voip/internet network, and also running it at home, just for fun and education.
I reckon that in terms of screentime (having Cacti on display on any one of my PC's) Cacti competes and wins with any other internet services out there.

SNMP is not without competition, and it may be surpassed as go-to tool for monitoring, but Cacti makes it more versatile now than ever.

It's a good community to be in. I hope it lasts for at least another 18 years !
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by nk7z »

I have used Cacti for about a decade, thank you! Used it in my work, and now that I am retired, use it at home... So, thank you sir! Well done!
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by smueqas »

Thank you for everythingI have used Cacti for about a decade, I've had times where I would run it for business (keeping a ch-14 company afloat) monitoring a voip/internet network, and also running it at home, just for fun and education.
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by liorh007 »

I have been using Cacti since it came out, taking it with me to every job making it the eyes and ears of the network.
when I started using it i didn't even think about having a family and had brown hair ,now i have an 11 years old kid and white hair :-)

I was on and off sending bugs and inputs at the beginning catching many bugs and asking for features :-)

I want to thank you for the amazing work/job you did over those many years and still do.
and I hope you would have many more years.
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Re: Note to the Cacti Community

Post by Coool »

Great work. I'm coded (fixed) some Cisco bandwidth monitoring related crap and etc. for local energy company. And almost 15 years Cacti user.
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