I have problems creating a script data query.
I'm following this walthtough: https://docs.cacti.net/manual:087:3a_ad ... alkthrough
When trying the script I have this error:
Total: 0.000000, Delta: 0.000000, Found data query XML file at '/usr/share/cacti/resource/script_queries/XXX.xml'
Total: 0.000000, Delta: 0.000000, Running Data Query [20].
Total: 0.000000, Delta: 0.000000, Found Type = '4' [Script Query].
Total: 0.000000, Delta: 0.000000, Found data query XML file at '/usr/share/cacti/resource/script_queries/XXX.xml'
Total: 0.000000, Delta: 0.000000, Error parsing XML file into an array.
There seems to be no issue when trying to convert the file into an array using this website: https://wtools.io/convert-xml-to-php-array
I tried using the tag <interface> as shown here: https://docs.cacti.net/manual:087:3a_ad ... alkthrough and the tag <query> as shown here: https://www.cacti.net/downloads/docs/ht ... y_xml.html but both of them give me the same result.
My CACTI version is 1.2.8 and you can see below my XML file.
Any help would be very appreciated, thanks !
Code: Select all
<name>Get ARP Table</name>
<description>Queries a list of number of ARP entries per interface.</description>
<script_path>sh |path_cacti|/scripts/hydra_arp_counter.sh</script_path>
<name>Firewall IP</name>
<name>Interface Name</name>
<name>ARP Entries</name>