Real-time settings not respected

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Real-time settings not respected

Post by Empis »

I am very new to Cacti 1.x, but been administrate older 0.8.8 for a long time. Trying to setup new enviroment with last release 1.2.14 and noticed Real-time is not working as i expect.

First the popup comes but its not autorefreshing and the settings in popup are not same as i have under Settings => Visual. In this step no RRD are created in /site/cache/real-time/ .But if i toggle the checkbox Thumbnail off and on it updates the popup and graph appears. Now the small RRD is created as expected. Is this a bug?
Settings Real-time.png
Settings Real-time.png (12.84 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
Real-time popup.png
Real-time popup.png (6.5 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
Real-time popup after toggle thumbnails.png
Real-time popup after toggle thumbnails.png (15.85 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
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