95th percentile at zero on 1.2.12

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Joined: Fri May 29, 2020 11:58 am

95th percentile at zero on 1.2.12

Post by dmayan »


I'm trying to graph interfaces traffic with 95th percentile on our border routers. I have tried both 64 and 32 bit counters templates with no avail.


Here is the output of RRD debug:

Code: Select all

RRDtool Command:
/usr/bin/rrdtool graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start='1590770160' \
--end='1590771420' \
--pango-markup  \
--title='BGP - Traffic - TASA - ARISTA ' \
--vertical-label='bits per second' \
--slope-mode \
--base=1000 \
--height=200 \
--width=700 \
--rigid \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit='0' \
COMMENT:"From 29-05-2020 13\:36\:00 To 29-05-2020 13\:57\:00\c" \
COMMENT:"  \n" \
--color BACK#F3F3F3 \
--color SHADEB#999999 \
--color FONT#000000 \
--color AXIS#2C4D43 \
--color ARROW#2C4D43 \
--color FRAME#2C4D43 \
--border 1 --font TITLE:11:'Arial' \
--font AXIS:8:'Arial' \
--font LEGEND:8:'Courier' \
--font UNIT:8:'Arial' \
--font WATERMARK:6:'Arial' \
--slope-mode \
--watermark 'Generated by Cacti®' \
DEF:a='/var/www/html/rra/bgp_traffic_in_16.rrd':'traffic_in':MAX \
DEF:b='/var/www/html/rra/bgp_traffic_in_16.rrd':'traffic_in':AVERAGE \
DEF:c='/var/www/html/rra/bgp_traffic_in_16.rrd':'traffic_out':MAX \
DEF:d='/var/www/html/rra/bgp_traffic_in_16.rrd':'traffic_out':AVERAGE \
CDEF:cdefa='a,8,*' \
CDEF:cdefb='b,8,*' \
CDEF:cdeff='c,8,*' \
CDEF:cdefg='d,8,*' \
LINE1:cdefa#00CF00FF:  \
AREA:cdefb#00CF007F:'Inbound '  \
GPRINT:cdefb:LAST:'Current\:%8.2lf %s'  \
GPRINT:cdefb:AVERAGE:'Average\:%8.2lf %s'  \
GPRINT:cdefb:MAX:'Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n'  \
LINE1:cdeff#002A97FF:  \
AREA:cdefg#002A977F:'Outbound'  \
GPRINT:cdefg:LAST:'Current\:%8.2lf %s'  \
GPRINT:cdefg:AVERAGE:'Average\:%8.2lf %s'  \
GPRINT:cdefg:MAX:'Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n'  \
COMMENT:' \n'  \
HRULE:0#FF0000FF:'95th Percentile' \
COMMENT:'(0 mbit in)' 
RRDtool Command lengths = 1523 charaters.
RRDtool Says:
Here are my template items, I only edited it to show INBOUND 95th percentile:


It is a fresh install on Ubuntu 18.04LTS. The 95th percentile doesn't work on any interface. I doesn't see any error on the logs (LOG settings to high)

Code: Select all

29-05-2020 14:14:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: Registering process! (maintenance, master, 1, 18333)
29-05-2020 14:14:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: Registering process! (spikekill, master, 0, 18329)
29-05-2020 14:14:03 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: Registering process! (reports, master, 0, 18327)
29-05-2020 14:14:03 - SYSTEM STATS: Time:1.2218 Method:spine Processes:1 Threads:1 Hosts:4 HostsPerProcess:4 DataSources:37 RRDsProcessed:21
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Time: 0.2092 s, Threads: 1, Devices: 2
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] SPINE: The Final Value of Threads is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Time: 0.2834 s, Threads: 1, Devices: 4
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] SPINE: The Final Value of Threads is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] POLLER: Active Threads is 0, Pending is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] Total Time: 0.058 Seconds
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - vlan306-BGP-ARISTA-CACHES] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - vlan306-BGP-ARISTA-CACHES ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 274453093975739
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - vlan306-BGP-ARISTA-CACHES] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - vlan306-BGP-ARISTA-CACHES ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 15567257248344
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - vlan302-chr] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - vlan302-chr ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 3270541170710
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - vlan302-chr] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - vlan302-chr ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 448223855531
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - LACP-FIREWALL] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - LACP-FIREWALL ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 1129520686674889
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - LACP-FIREWALL] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - LACP-FIREWALL ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 145497616479860
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - IPTransit-ArSat] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - IP TRANSIT - ARSAT ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 1924639974
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - IPTransit-ArSat] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - IP TRANSIT - ARSAT ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 613214902766368
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - sfp-sfpplus3] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - CHR-ARISTA ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 3585247204520
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - sfp-sfpplus3] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - CHR-ARISTA ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 789078404183
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - sfp-sfpplus1] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - TASA - ARISTA ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 161171758540828
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Traffic - - sfp-sfpplus1] Graphs[BGP - Traffic - TASA - ARISTA ] SNMP: v2: bgp.sslocal, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 795260826584959
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] INFO: SNMP Device 'bgp.sslocal' has timeout 500000 (500), retries 3
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Ping Host] Graphs[BGP - Ping Latency] SCRIPT: perl /var/www/html/scripts/ping.pl 'bgp.sslocal', output: 0.191
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DS[BGP - Uptime] Graphs[BGP - Uptime] SS[0] SERVER: /var/www/html/scripts/ss_hstats.php ss_hstats '4' uptime, output: 115642400
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] NOTE: There are '14' Polling Items for this Device
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] HT[1] DQ[SNMP - Interface Statistics] RECACHE OID: ., (assert: 115636400 < output: 115642400)
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] POLLER: Active Threads is 0, Pending is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] HT[1] Total Time: 0.039 Seconds
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] HT[1] DS[ANGLESIO CARLOS - Traffic - - pppoe-out2] Graphs[ANGLESIO CARLOS - Traffic - pppoe-out2 ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 2140967600
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] HT[1] DS[ANGLESIO CARLOS - Traffic - - pppoe-out2] Graphs[ANGLESIO CARLOS - Traffic - pppoe-out2 ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 8523200147
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] NOTE: Device[BGP] Updating Full System Information Table
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] NOTE: Device[BGP] Checking for System Information Update
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] INFO: SNMP Device '' has timeout 500000 (500), retries 3
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] HT[1] DS[ANGLESIO CARLOS - Ping Host] Graphs[ANGLESIO CARLOS - Ping Latency] SCRIPT: perl /var/www/html/scripts/ping.pl '', output: 1.56
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[BGP] INFO: SNMP Device 'bgp.sslocal' has timeout 500000 (500), retries 3
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] SPINE: Active Threads is 1, Pending is 1
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] POLLER: Active Threads is 1, Pending is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] Device[0] HT[1] Total Time: 0.0014 Seconds
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] SPINE: Active Threads is 1, Pending is 1
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] DEBUG: Initial Value of Active Threads is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18304] NOTE: Spine will support multithread device polling.
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] HT[1] NOTE: There are '3' Polling Items for this Device
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] HT[1] DQ[SNMP - Interface Statistics] RECACHE OID: ., (assert: 50669200 < output: 50675300)
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] NOTE: Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] Updating Full System Information Table
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] NOTE: Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] Checking for System Information Update
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[ANGLESIO CARLOS] INFO: SNMP Device '' has timeout 500000 (500), retries 3
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] SPINE: Active Threads is 1, Pending is 1
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] POLLER: Active Threads is 0, Pending is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] Total Time: 0.13 Seconds
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-INDIO] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-INDIO ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 105406679575
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-INDIO] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-INDIO ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 8903872207
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-CN] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-CN ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 28091296285
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-CN] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-CN ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 3957744877
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-MOLINO] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-MOLINO ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 63455624583
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-MOLINO] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-MOLINO ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 5625569347
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-LOY] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-LOY ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 25127482981
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-LOY] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-LOY ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 1552916764
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-OCE] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-OCE ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 88957215390
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-OCE] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-OCE ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 5045825466
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-CCV] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-CCV ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 28739361116
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-CCV] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-CCV ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 3608225403
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-BREMEN] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-BREMEN ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 14231188804
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-BREMEN] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - EOIP-RGL-BREMEN ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 3364709368
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - vlan777-pppoe-WAN] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - vlan777-pppoe-WAN ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 231475574157
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - vlan777-pppoe-WAN] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Traffic - vlan777-pppoe-WAN ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 427640190534
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] INFO: SNMP Device '' has timeout 500000 (500), retries 3
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DS[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Ping Host] Graphs[INTEROIL_ROUTER - Ping Latency] SCRIPT: perl /var/www/html/scripts/ping.pl '', output: 7.55
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] NOTE: There are '17' Polling Items for this Device
2020-05-29 14:14:02 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] HT[1] DQ[SNMP - Interface Statistics] RECACHE OID: ., (assert: 482012900 < output: 482019000)
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] NOTE: Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] Updating Full System Information Table
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] NOTE: Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] Checking for System Information Update
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[INTEROIL_ROUTER] INFO: SNMP Device '' has timeout 500000 (500), retries 3
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] SPINE: Active Threads is 1, Pending is 1
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] POLLER: Active Threads is 0, Pending is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[LLORET] HT[1] Total Time: 0.031 Seconds
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[LLORET] HT[1] DS[LLORET - Traffic - - pppoe-out1] Graphs[LLORET - Traffic - pppoe-out1 ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_out, oid: ., value: 10224373517
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[LLORET] HT[1] DS[LLORET - Traffic - - pppoe-out1] Graphs[LLORET - Traffic - pppoe-out1 ] SNMP: v2:, dsname: traffic_in, oid: ., value: 116801702147
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[LLORET] INFO: SNMP Device '' has timeout 500000 (500), retries 3
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[LLORET] HT[1] DS[LLORET - Ping Host] Graphs[LLORET - Ping Latency] SCRIPT: perl /var/www/html/scripts/ping.pl '', output: 1.49
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[LLORET] HT[1] NOTE: There are '3' Polling Items for this Device
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[LLORET] HT[1] DQ[SNMP - Interface Statistics] RECACHE OID: ., (assert: 207332400 < output: 207338400)
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] NOTE: Device[LLORET] Updating Full System Information Table
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] NOTE: Device[LLORET] Checking for System Information Update
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[LLORET] INFO: SNMP Device '' has timeout 500000 (500), retries 3
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] SPINE: Active Threads is 1, Pending is 1
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] POLLER: Active Threads is 0, Pending is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] Device[0] HT[1] Total Time: 0.0015 Seconds
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] SPINE: Active Threads is 1, Pending is 1
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] DEBUG: Initial Value of Active Threads is 0
2020-05-29 14:14:01 - SPINE: Poller[Main Poller] PID[18294] NOTE: Spine will support multithread device polling.
29-05-2020 14:14:01 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: Poller Int: '60', Cron Int: '60', Time Since Last: '60.93', Max Runtime '58', Poller Runs: '1'
29-05-2020 14:13:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: Registering process! (maintenance, master, 1, 18124)
29-05-2020 14:13:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: Registering process! (spikekill, master, 0, 18120)
29-05-2020 14:13:02 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] NOTE: Registering process! (reports, master, 0, 18118)
Please tell me if I can provide more information.

Many thanks and keep up the good work!!
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:53 pm

Re: 95th percentile at zero on 1.2.12

Post by 1943962 »

I have this problem, too!

RRDtool 命令:
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start='-86400' \
--end='-60' \
--pango-markup \
--title='SJZ.S6700( - Traffic' \
--slope-mode \
--base=1000 \
--height=150 \
--width=500 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit='0' \
COMMENT:"From 2020/06/10 11\:45\:00 To 2020/06/11 11\:44\:00\c" \
COMMENT:" \n" \
--border 1 --font TITLE:10:'/usr/share/fonts/chinese/MSYH.TTF' \
--font AXIS:7:'/usr/share/fonts/chinese/MSYH.TTF' \
--font LEGEND:8:'/usr/share/fonts/chinese/MSYH.TTF' \
--font UNIT:7:'/usr/share/fonts/chinese/MSYH.TTF' \
--font WATERMARK:8: \
--slope-mode \
--watermark 'Generated by Cacti®' \
DEF:a='/data/www/cacti/rra/31/1201.rrd':'traffic_in':AVERAGE \
DEF:b='/data/www/cacti/rra/31/1201.rrd':'traffic_out':AVERAGE \
CDEF:cdefa='a,8,*' \
CDEF:cdefe='b,8,*' \
AREA:cdefa#00CF00FF:'流入' \
GPRINT:cdefa:LAST:'当前\:%8.2lf %s' \
GPRINT:cdefa:AVERAGE:'平均\:%8.2lf %s' \
GPRINT:cdefa:MAX:'最大\:%8.2lf %s\n' \
LINE1:cdefe#002A97FF:'流出' \
GPRINT:cdefe:LAST:'当前\:%8.2lf %s' \
GPRINT:cdefe:AVERAGE:'平均\:%8.2lf %s' \
GPRINT:cdefe:MAX:'最大\:%8.2lf %s\n' \
HRULE:0#FF0000FF:' 95取值' \
COMMENT:'(0 mbit)\n'
RRDtool Command lengths = 1136 charaters.
RRDtool Says:
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:47 pm

Re: 95th percentile at zero on 1.2.12

Post by liubb »

I have this problem, too!

I'm waiting the 1.2.13 , hope solve it.
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:26 am

Re: 95th percentile at zero on 1.2.12

Post by jesusangel »


Have you double-checked that you have selected a data source item in the graph item where the 95th percentile is selected?

Kind regards,
Last edited by jesusangel on Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:47 pm

Re: 95th percentile at zero on 1.2.12

Post by downnetwork »

Same issue here, with zero changes other than going from 1.2.10 to 1.2.12.
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:37 am

Re: 95th percentile at zero on 1.2.12

Post by shinvector »

Known bug. the manual fix is there else wait for 1.2.13

https://github.com/Cacti/cacti/pull/353 ... 2ea42eed85
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