Hello All,
I have an issue with cacti-1.2.8 - running on RHEL 7. Every time I create a new graph(s) I get
CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace: (/graphs_new.php[41]:form_save(),
/graphs_new.php[149]:html_graph_new_graphs(), /lib/html_graph.php[434]:html_graph_custom_data(),
/lib/html_graph.php[547]:draw_nontemplated_fields_graph_item(), /lib/html_form_template.php[219]:
I get along with this error message: 2020/02/11 15:40:48 - ERROR PHP NOTICE: Undefined index: task_item_id in file:
/var/www/cacti-1.2.8/lib/html_form_template.php on line: 180
But... the graphs are created! Any Ideas here? Permissions?
[SOLVED]PHP Backtrace errors and Undef Index
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