I'm trying to install CereusReporting plugin and it seems that is crashing PHP badly :
Cacti Version 1.3.0 - Dev 79f29cd @ 2019-09-28
CereusReporting : 3.01.32
2019/11/02 14:40:09 - SPINE: Poller[1] PID[12754] FATAL: Connection Failed, Error:'1040', Message:'Too many connections' (Spine thread)
2019/11/02 14:40:10 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:40:10 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:40:10 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:40:10 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:40:10 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:45:00 - POLLER: Poller[1] Maximum runtime of 298 seconds exceeded. Exiting.
2019/11/02 14:45:00 - SYSTEM WARNING: Primary Admin account notifications disabled! Unable to send administrative Email.
2019/11/02 14:45:00 - SNMPAGENT WARNING: No notification receivers configured for event: cactiNotifyPollerRuntimeExceeding (CACTI-MIB), severity: high
2019/11/02 14:45:00 - SYSTEM STATS: Time:298.6635 Method:spine Processes:5 Threads:10 Hosts:237 HostsPerProcess:48 DataSources:4572 RRDsProcessed:0
2019/11/02 14:45:02 - SYSTEM THOLD STATS: Time:0.6538 Tholds:163 TotalDevices:237 DownDevices:7 NewDownDevices:0
2019/11/02 14:45:02 - POLLER: Poller[1] WARNING: There are 1 processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle, please investigate
2019/11/02 14:45:02 - SYSTEM WARNING: Primary Admin account notifications disabled! Unable to send administrative Email.
2019/11/02 14:45:02 - POLLER: Poller[1] WARNING: Poller Output Table not Empty. Issues: 4, DS[2646, 2650, 3214, 3365]
2019/11/02 14:45:02 - SYSTEM WARNING: Primary Admin account notifications disabled! Unable to send administrative Email.
2019/11/02 14:45:02 - SYSTEM MONITOR STATS: Time:0.0185 Reboots:0 DownDevices:0 Notifications:0 Purges:1
2019/11/02 14:45:02 - SYSTEM WEBSEER STATS: Total Time:0.047, Service Checks:1, Servers:0
2019/11/02 14:45:03 - SYSTEM SYSLOG STATS:Time:0.15 Deletes:0 Incoming:0 Removes:0 XFers:2 Alerts:3 Alarms:0 Reports:0
2019/11/02 14:45:09 - SPINE: Poller[1] PID[18166] FATAL: Connection Failed, Error:'1040', Message:'Too many connections' (Spine thread)
2019/11/02 14:45:09 - SPINE: Poller[1] PID[18166] FATAL: Connection Failed, Error:'1040', Message:'Too many connections' (Spine thread)
2019/11/02 14:45:09 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:45:09 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:45:09 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:45:09 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
2019/11/02 14:45:09 - PHPSVR ERROR: Input Expected, Script Server Terminating
CereusReporting PHP crash
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Re: CereusReporting PHP crash
Error post.
Re: CereusReporting PHP crash
Your error is with MySQL. You are generating too many SQL connections concurrently to the database so its rejecting new ones.
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Re: CereusReporting PHP crash
And this happens only when I try to install CereusReporting plugin. Any idee why? Or where to look for issues?
LE: I changed spine poller proc/thread from 5/10 to 1/10 and increased mysql max connection to 500. Seems that did the trick, thank you for the hint netniV. Can be closed.
LE: I changed spine poller proc/thread from 5/10 to 1/10 and increased mysql max connection to 500. Seems that did the trick, thank you for the hint netniV. Can be closed.
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